What game did you play last?

Firefly Shiny Dice with 4 players was enjoyable. A close run push your luck game. A few rules need better clarification

Pandemic Legacy
We only have December left to play. It's been great so far and really looking forward to season 2.
Had a lot of gaming since being back from the expo. Multiple games of animal upon animal and ice cool with the girls, played zombie dice and dungeon roll leading up to the expo and had a couple of nights playing arcadia quest and super dungeon explore forgotten king (bit disappointed with this one) and also picked up descent and had a go with the new AI app.

Really impressed with arcadia quest and ice cool is really good fun, looking forward to many more games of all the games
Dungeon Saga with the other half and brother in law. Ran the first mission (barbarian and dwarf (forget his class)) then the first mission with all 4 heroes. Was great fun, especially once they learnt to never assume a game is over until I say it is. The Zombies came as a shock which was quite nice from the overlord perspective. Although I was threatened with divorce if anything else should appear through the next door....
Marvel Legendary with my girlfriend, I got it for Christmas but first time playing it.

Really enjoyed it. We're Marvel fans so the theme helped (obviously), and we enjoy 2 player co-op games rather than 1v1. For some reason I also seem to innately love card games, I'd definitely consider the Dark City expansion.
Played Mage Wars Academy at the weekend, enjoyed it enough to pick it up. Sort of like magic but not collectible and you have open access to your deck so not as random. Though dice do play a part.

It is a stripped down version of Mage Wars Arena, plays in 30 mins or so.
Sunday evening was Tokaido Collector's Edition (finally arrived a mere 18 months late), Quantum, Camel Up (with Supercup), One Night Ultimate Werewolf and The Resistance: Avalon.
We finally finished Pandemic Legacy: Season 1. We lost.
We think this was mostly due to not reading the rules correctly in the early months as well as some players not changing their characters.
Would definitely play it again if I didn't know how the story progressed, really enjoyed it.
Looking forward to season 2

Broke XCOM out as its been a while. Played a Medium Invasion mission and lost. Poor die rolling all the way. Medium Onslaught went well though.

Zombicide: Black Plague. Decided to catch up a bit, think we are on map 3. Lost the first attempt, 2nd went much better.

Relic with 2 expansions. Probably too much as it became a rule checking session. Nobody even got to level 2 as it had been too long since we last played.
Sunday was Internal Affairs, Euphoria: Build A Better Dystopia, Red7 and ONUW again. Last night was Love Letter, Rococo (much better with three than five) and Valley of the Kings.
Pandemic Legacy last night, aced February, went into March full of confidence and ended up getting hammered.

I love this game.
Ticket to Ride:Europe is so addictive! And one that the missus seems to want to play even more than I do! (result!)

Broke it out last night. I prefer the original US version.

Also broke out Fury of Dracula which we haven't played for a long time. We found the fiend in Dublin eventually.
Version 3 does away with dice rolls in combat and it's more rock, paper, scissors from what I've been told.
Wish I could play it again. You're in for a treat in coming months.

Season 2 is inevitable.

Sunday we played Archipelago, a very fitting game given that if the immigrants get kicked out everyone loses. We also got Tokaido out again, and I got narrowly screwed out of a win when I got to the final inn last and was left with a choice of a meal I couldn't afford and a meal I'd already eaten. The eventual winner managed to get all four of the end game achievements, which I haven't seen before.

Tuesday I got to introduce some less experienced gamers to the delights of Codenames, Kobayakawa, Viticulture and Mysterium. All went down well with everyone, and I didn't even win at Viticulture for once.
Season 2 is inevitable.

Yeah, I read that they had started planning it before Season 1 was released. Due next year.

Pandemic Cthulu is something that I've seen as well, not out yet from what I can tell.

Pandemic Season 1 board is going to be framed and put up in our games room. So we can be reminded of our failure :D
...We also got Tokaido out again, and I got narrowly screwed out of a win when I got to the final inn last and was left with a choice of a meal I couldn't afford and a meal I'd already eaten. The eventual winner managed to get all four of the end game achievements, which I haven't seen before....

How much replay value does Tokaido have? I've been eyeing it up for a while now...
I haven't updated in a while but I had my first game of Descent 2 with the road to legend app with my wife and it went down surprisingly well, played a few games of King of Tokyo and Animal upon Animal with the girls too.

Also picked up Takenoko Thursday as something a bit lighter (and also it looks so nice) but still haven't had a game - hopefully this evening.

I need to stop buying games but with 3 weeks off work coming up I am hoping to get some good painting and gaming sessions in. Current un-played list off the top of my head is XCom, Takenoko, Ninja All stars, Blood Rage and Sherlock Holmes consulting detective.
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