What gamers want?

predator 1 the film done fps as the film plays ,online multiplayer man ive dreamed of that game for ages.predators vs marine type team in jugle stealth predators lush graphics exspenble assets.
or horror film fps all favs,jason ,myers,freddy,pinhead all chopping hacking slaying surely its a winner.multiplayer games are a must at moment cause theres been nothing for last two years at least.
hellraiser say no more battling through hell to find the box.
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joeyjojo said:
Atmosphere, originality, character development and a good story.

And FUN!! Something most games are missing :(

I agree there most current games do lack the FUN element and I hope that is something than can be sorted out.

The most enjoyable games I remember most were released many, many years ago.
0mfg GFX plx!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

I'd MUCH rather the gameplay was worked on more than the gfx for once. The newest game I play on regularly was farcry, because it was simply amazing fun now the focus on realism and graphics makes things much less fun except in in the case of sims :-)

I agree that a MMOFPS would be an amazing creation but would also cause more children to fail their exams because they sit inside and play all day. Well thats true of any MMO.
Ricochet J said:
A game with two levels of realistic gaming genres.

So in general, i'd love to see a two genre game that keeps it's gameplay well. Nothing that'll cause one genre of the game to be crap and the other to be good.

This is something I've wanted for a long time, a game which is free from the constraints of a single engine (or maybe it just needs a really versatile one) which crosses between genres without sacrificing on quality.

GTA3/VC/SA or Mafia is kind of along the right lines in that it combines driving with a 3rd person shooter, however despite being excellent games overall it is kind of a jack-of-all trades situation. The driving isn't as good as TDU, and the action isn't as good as Max Payne.

I'd love to see some kind of hybrid, where you have a fantastic storyline coupled with quality driving, 3rd person action, 1st person shooting, maybe some resource management/strategy etc. Where each segment is as good as the leading games in that genre, all rolled into one complete package using the same storyline and game world.

Likewise for a long time I've yearned for some kind of 'theatre of war' simulation, where you control carriers, destroyers, planes, subs, marines and also the overall strategy. Basically a full-on military simulator (with arcade mode, natch) where you get to experience different types of combat all in the same environment.
Mephisto said:
A Grand Theft Auto MMO.

Oh yeah, now THAT would pwn if done correctly :D

EDIT: Heh, just realised someone else posted the exact same idea more or less. Well, great minds think alike :D


im starting software engineering next year, and im hoping to move on 2 games deveopment after that (got a few contacts:D)and im gonna make it my lifes mission to at least attempt to make this type of game, even if it isnt GTA :)
Meridian said:
I'm with him. After being disappointed with Doom3 I fired up the original Doom, with the JDoom addon. Despite the still pretty lacklustre graphics, it was WAY more fun than Doom3. Game designers seem to feel that as long as it looks pretty, nothing else matters. sadly, much of the game-buying public seem to agree.


Doom III would have been much better if you could see what you was doing without having the flashlight shining in front of you 95% of the time.
Sleepery said:
An mmo with a strictly enforced over 21's policy. Don't know HOW they'd enforce it, but I'd love to see what kind of difference it would make to the community in an mmo.
EVE over the 1st year was like that, back when you could still kill concord :p
still mostly mature players, but less so :(
i would like a online fishing game where say 100 people or more would battle it out to catch the bigest and most fish from a huge lake with good graphics and good fish ai that would give you a good fight to land it , and to view other people fishing and seeing what there catching etc ...just like real fishing
Another completely free and open MMORPG that isn't item, level or "time played" driven. The skill of a player determines everything, not how many epix they have.

Simply put, a modern day old school Ultima Online. :p
Tical said:
Another completely free and open MMORPG that isn't item, level or "time played" driven. The skill of a player determines everything, not how many epix they have.

Simply put, a modern day old school Ultima Online. :p
Won't happen for a long while. At the moment, most devs are obsessed with "mass market" appeal, and will continue to water things down so that any 10-year-old with his dad's credit card can be "uber".

Coupled with the fact that in most MMOs, the journey is now completely ignored, in favour of the destination. Stats, items, levels, etc, are now the only things of importance. Having a great storyline, having a great (and difficult) early-game experience, none of these things are features of today's MMOs. I really wish I could play an MMO which doesn't "begin at 60" or something. I'd like to be overwhelmed from the start, and have to fight to establish myself.

In fact, I might try Eve. From what I've heard it has a ton of complexity and takes a long time to figure out. Great. I'm sick of being "broken in gently" or having to play through 20 "tutorial" levels before the game actually begins.
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