What have you done to your car today?

It's never going to be dry. Ever.

Mines filthy too - I was hoping red would do a good job of looking clean like silver. It's more like black though - looks awesome when it's clean but crap 5 minutes later
Advertised it some more which sucks... but it's got to go, especially now I have it's replacement lined up which I won't reveal until I actually have it in my possession, as I'm sure a lot of you know it can all go wrong at the last minute.
Drove my car to work to then spend the day playing with 440bhp but I can't get over 55mph unless going downhill :/
Changed my tyre pressure down from 40/40 to 36/30. Was having a little experiment. 40 psi on the rear made the back end really skittish, was aweful to drive quickly over nsl road which werent paper smooth.

Over inflation on the front made the steering feel overly light and a bit dull.
34f/42r on the 330 is standard, but overly comical on roundabouts, several weeks later they drop a psi or 2 and it's a lot easier
Technically a few days ago, but a delayed post. Fitted this!

Bought a new battery because the car died on me outside Mcdonalds.

I think the alternator may be buggered/on it way out, multi-meter shows same voltage at the battery when the car's off and when it's started. Diag used to show 14.4v when running but now it doesn't go past 12v.

And i changed the passenger side brake light (pointed out by the person who brought the battery).
what car do you have?

mk1 TT. The difference in feel from 40 down to 30psi is quite profound on my car. It used to feel like it's skipping sideways on the rear over drain covers or white lines, particularly when trying to go quick, when power is being sent to the rear wheels.

No doubt I would have had a funny wear pattern on the rear tyres if I had left it.
nothing to the car today but I spent about 3 hours in the shed sorting out my tool box, cleaning all my tools putting stuff back in order and putting back a large amount of tools from a box I cart to the car when working. I just left it all in the box about 6 months ago last time I did some work

much easier to get tools now :)
Never said there was, just curious. If I was doing it I'd want both for aesthetic purposes, assuming the car is still used as a normal road car

I got rid of my current two seats to get matching evolutions, but this single seat came up at such a good price i couldn't refuse! Just need to find another one now :) I technically only need one seat in the car, unless i want to take passengers out on track :p
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