It is all on a bit of a slope here and either deep loose gravel or farm track like lane. Just isn't sensible getting under a vehicle on it.
I have a lot of the kit, several torque wrenches, etc. and do stuff like changing wheels fine but other jobs I'd just rather pay someone than struggle through it under less than ideal circumstances and/or taking risks.
mate I had the same situation before the tarmac, half was concrete half was pisd concrete and stones...
As long as you have a decent handbrake/chocks/stands you can do whatever. just position the car accordingly/do the end required first/seperate it, you'll be fine. at worst buy even more stands and support it with them AND 2 jacks?
If you have RWD or AWD remember you can jack it up on the diffs, and also you can use the factory subframe towing eyes should you have a factory plate welded...
IF not find a mate with a unit/friendly drive and sort them some beers... there's nothing stopping you.
I've even go to public car parks and done stuff that isn't going to bleed any fluids and done stuff there... Just think outside the box.
At worst you'd need a battery powered grinder/impact etc etc and all new hardware should you immobilise your vehicle and require cutting your way out to fit new parts, trust I only mess with the old school and that's the way I've learnt over the years.
I don't even have a daily so yeah just commit to it and have the spares and you can crack on. Plus once you learn/realise you CAN do it you'll laugh your ass off at what you're saving labour wise... I changed a rack stuck behind an engine without dropping the engine or subframe or suspension via the arch for access on a silly rack mounted to the firewall (cheers modern cars) with 400mm clearance from the drive in the rain in 7.5 hours (not impressive and slow but I was very careful and rebuilt the rack myself with no experience doing either bar changing a rack on my last beamer) and then found out it'd of cost me £1200 PLUS the vat in labour and they'd only have done it if they coulda ripped me off double that PLUS vat to supply the rack (back hander 'we don't fit supplied parts' we get a backhander from suppliers - technique talk bs) now whenever I do anything I just think sweet more money towards a genuine/race uprated part I can spend vs labour...
FWIW as well you'll be shocked at what you've 'paid' for vs what's been done... I won't bother to give long examples but let's just say i've caught many people out who've said they'd do simple things whilst doing summit harder and they haven't then i've checked it and been like wtf you could have easily done this/torqued this/done this up etc and they haven't... doesn't inspire confidence... as with main stealers/garages saying yeah we'll pretend to diagnose a fault for XX an hour... or say they'll do it cheaper than charge twice the amount of hours thus you get screwed either way for them dragging it out...
Personally I'd rather know myself everything is torqued to spec/safe... VS summit fail you asked about then them want you to come in again for a cash in to fix what they shoulda before...