What have you done to your car today?

I've just seen another potential car, I've now looked at 4 Mustangs (v8 convertibles) 2 private and 2 in garages.

Both private cars seem OK, but both owners admitted to them using a bit of oil between services, @Gibbo is this normal for Mustangs? The problem is one of the ones on a Garage looks a good example, low miles, has been looked after but with no access to the previous owners I can't ask the obvious questions.. and finding service receipts a bit lacking with the garages, where as privately they tend to keep everything!
I also spotted a small bottle of oil in the boot as well, so might be another using a bit of oil making it 3 out of 4.

I've not had a car for years that used a drop between services so it's a bit of an oddity and normally you don't want to be topping up every 500-1000 miles..

There aren't any in main dealers that aren't much newer (I'm looking at 2017/2018 and pre or post facelift).
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Gave it a good wash after it passed it's MOT this morning :)

I Know this is a bit of a desperate way to try and come into contact with you. But I have seen the way how you fitted an Andorid Auto unit to your volvo on an other forum.
Are you willing to give/sell the 3d file so I could do exactly the same as you? Think it also involves some soldering to the charger and stuff. I can do that, but 3d design is not my cup of tea lol.

Thanks in advance.
Took the passenger side front spindle/knuckle/whatever you wish to call it, off.



The wheel bearing is roached. Got a new one ready to have pressed in... Also going to do the gearbox oil and pull the shaft out for a new outer boot while I'm at it.

Just noticed my bonnet isn't catching properly on driver's side. Hopfeully a bit of WD 40 will sort it out, otherwise it's a new catch.

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Oh that's not good. Doesn't even look like it was due to uneven wear either? Any idea what caused it?

All I can think is that the wheel it is on has been damaged twice due to potholes, also the tyre has been on and off 3 times (2 for main wheel repair and once for wheel powder coating) so maybe it had been weakened by all that and then gave out on a long motorway run, they tyre had been inspected each time but I suppose there may have been something damaged in the structure that wasn't visible

tyre was dated 3621 so unlikely to have perished
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100% that has been driven on flat and not thrown away when it should have been.
I drove on for a short distance to try and get off of motorway at next junction but started vibrating pretty much straight away so I stopped , it's a run flat so should have coped

absolutely hadn't been driven on flat previous to that
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