Front wiper blades suddenly stopped working yesterday.
So I googled likely causes and a common fault came up for my model, the water drain holes block up and the area where the wiper blade motor is floods and causes the failure.
Low and behold I removed everything to gain access to that area and it was indeed flooded and had blocked drainage holes.
Unblocked the holes and cleaned the area, tested it was draining correctly.
Ordered a new motor so await its arrival next week.
I hope its a simple swap over of the motors and not other more serious electrical problems related to the wiper system.
So I googled likely causes and a common fault came up for my model, the water drain holes block up and the area where the wiper blade motor is floods and causes the failure.
Low and behold I removed everything to gain access to that area and it was indeed flooded and had blocked drainage holes.
Unblocked the holes and cleaned the area, tested it was draining correctly.
Ordered a new motor so await its arrival next week.
I hope its a simple swap over of the motors and not other more serious electrical problems related to the wiper system.