What have you done to your car today?

Swapped K&N cone filters over on the ST this afternoon - grubby one removed and nicely cleaned one fitted in it's place. Car is off for service and MOT tomorrow, had meant to do the air filter on the weekend but the weather wasn't cooperating.
I got offered £3400, I paid £2150 for it and spent a chunk on it so it was a case of "nice I will lose nothing!" but he pulled out tonight so I've advertised further afield now as I want a Focus ST. I was gonna get a bit of finance on top and have either a nice 1 series coupe of some sort or even a near/new Fiesta ST, but I need to just buy what I can afford as money towards a house would be nice.

I keep looking back at FN2's but I do like boost for my driving style, having had an EP3 before I know it's all at the top, great engines though the K20's :) Yet to drive an FN2! Have to say my heart isn't truely fully into anything, so I don't think I will be happy any time soon. Don't mind chopping and changing if the losses are small.

Does the Octavia vRS / Leon FR slide into budget? Both ~ 200bhp and have boost :D
Got the wheels swapped over on my car to my old OZ Racing Superturismo GT's:

Removed the butterfly flap all together from the exhaust. It kept rattling so I hammered it out. I'm lucky as the flap and small screw went down the exhaust so I had to forge a hook from an old coat hanger to get them out. A task in it's self!

No rattling and a lovely sound.
surely you could just have bent it a bit to stop it being able to move about rather than risk losing it?

No matter I guess, done now

My Eibachs arrived in two days from Germany so the car goes in next week for them to be fitted on all four corners, two new front shocks, droplinks and an alignment with camber bolts.

Also bought a chipex kit to get the front end tidied up a little bit. Plan is to do that sometime in the next few weeks then machine the whole car for spring. Get it looking and driving respectably again.
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surely you could just have bent it a bit to stop it being able to move about rather than risk losing it?

No matter I guess, done now

It was already bent at one side. The flap its self was seized shut. So I bent the other side the same way. That then made it become in a shape of a U. I think the hits it took from bending it resulted in it becoming loose from it's swivel. It would rattle at around 1.5krpm which was annoying. I took it out altogether.
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