What have you done to your car today?

Ahhhhh £570, thats the dream. :p

I'll be luckly if its under £1570 when I get rid of my Skoda lol. Bloody Admiral stuffing things up.
How on earth is it going to cost you that to insure an MX5 :eek:

It probably won't be, but it will likely still be over £1000, it would be a single car on a multi-car policy... Admiral don't seem to like that very much for some reason, and the price seems to be loaded in comparison to what it would be on a single car policy...

If I were to jack my policy in and start again I could get it insured for £700, but I'd lose 4 months of my NCD buildup. I already lost 8 months by accident and I dont really want to lose more... :(
Ordered a new battery, thought I'd get away with it after charging it last week, but it's knackered. Luckily 30% off at ECP this weekend!
Balls, I thought the car was booked in to have the rails inspected and get a quote from a firm in Eastbourne this morning, but I realised last night that I left it at "Can I confirm tomorrow morning?" and never got back to them... Derp!!!

Phoned this morning and of course my slot had been taken... :(
Picked the new battery up from ECP (never realised there was a branch 6 miles away, tres convenient!) also picked up some new wiper blades for my sons Fiesta, no more squeeky wipers, and now they are the right size at least...:rolleyes:
Also booked it in to have two new front tyres to match the rears at Kwikfit. I hate mismatched tyres.
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Been quoted £700 to have all my audio kit* fitted to my FN2..

With them supplying: enough 4mm Silentcoat (dynamat equivalent) to cover doors/rear quarters and boot floor/sides, all required wiring/cables, sub box enclosure.

Thoughts? Bit much? He estimated needing it for 2 days at £35 per hour.

I'd do it myself but I'm not confident wiring it all up and then tweaking audio settings etc.

*Head unit which is half in already, amp, sub, front+rear speakers.
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Feels like a lot for a task you could do yourself in a day - especially if you've already done the most awkward bit in the civic by removing the dash etc
Cleaned it and applied some polish (only the bonnet for now, it had cat scratches)



Took the front plate off to help me visualise the sort of plate I want and where I want it, only to be greeted by 8 holes, two additional marks from screws, scratches from the mount which won't polish out, and chips in the paintwork... :(

Think I'll de-burr the edges of the holes and put a stick on standard size plate over it all. :)



Fitted MK2.5 rear lights (and a sticker) - I'm not convinced, think I prefer the MK2 rears as they are more in-keeping with the styling to my eye. Before/after:



Fitted a new gearstick gaiter. Got distracted and put it on the opposite way to how I intended, but I think it looks good! :) Before/after:



Also re-located the USB cable to the passenger side of the console.

Not a bad day overall. Annoyed about all those holes though! :P :(
[TW]Fox;30275257 said:
Why, were you thinking of exporting it to another country? We don't exactly get much choice over the sort of plate want here :p

I can choose if I want it on a mount, not on a mount, centred or offset, how high up the bumper, on the front of the bonnet, jap size plate on a mount, etc etc.

I wanted to have an offset stick-on plate, but because of all those holes it will go in the middle... :)
I can choose if I want it on a mount, not on a mount, centred or offset, how high up the bumper, on the front of the bonnet, jap size plate on a mount, etc etc.

I wanted to have an offset stick-on plate, but because of all those holes it will go in the middle... :)

I know what you are doing but honestly when i see a nice car on the road, the last thing I think about is where the plates are. In fact, if it is not where it is normally it draws even more attention to it than where it is normally.

Which means don't mess with it, it just disrupt the look of the car more, makes it look worse.
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