What have you done to your car today?

Drove it to work today and it stopped accelerating halfway up a fairly long slip-road as I was in the "overtaking" lane on the slip-road.. Not ideal :p

Weird one though. Just as I hit VTEC in 6th (3900rpm) it stopped accelerating, tried changing down and revs were still dropping. Crawled to a stop, it idled normally, revved it and it was okay so set off and it was fine after that.

First time I've ever had issues like that.
Nothing yet, but I'm about to go sit out there with my new OBDeleven adapter and the app on my phone and see what neat things I can do/change.
Got in the Skoda to go to work, was clearing the windows, and the drivers door window regulator picked its moment to die, with the window fully down... Spent a while stripping the door down to have a look in case something else was the issue, and cursed when I realised what it was, and that it had already been replaced once before. I was hoping I could help the window up from inside the door...

Ended up getting the MX5 out of hibernation to drive to work (very late by this point!) which wasn't much fun because there was sheet ice about. Should have stayed at home really.

Dad is attempting to sort out the window on the Skoda while I'm here, but I don't know what he hopes to achieve without a replacement regulator, short of covering the hole in plastic...

Poo! :(

Not an ideal time of year for this milarkey!
Did you perhaps use the windows when it was still partly frozen, and as a result you've put too much strain on it?

Certainly wouldn't have entertained the idea of trying my windows this morning, no point.
Did you perhaps use the windows when it was still partly frozen, and as a result you've put too much strain on it?

There was only water on the windows all round, no ice that I could see, so I did the usual thing where you roll all the windows down to get the water off of them, but the drivers window didn't come back up.

Possible the mechanism was a bit cold/iced up or something I guess, or maybe there was some ice on the edges that I didn't notice, but it went down as easy as anything, didn't struggle.
Did you perhaps use the windows when it was still partly frozen, and as a result you've put too much strain on it?

Certainly wouldn't have entertained the idea of trying my windows this morning, no point.

Especially that era of VAG cars, I know my mate has had loads of trouble with regulators on his Cupra R
Hope you get it sorted soon, not a good time of year to have failed windows.

I had an orange check engine light come on in my skoda this morning, though it seemed to run fine, so its booked into the garage this afternoon and they will give me a loaner... bet im gonna be lumbered with a nissan or worse.. a renault as its what the dealers main sales are.
Yeah I know its a common issue, as I say I can see its already been replaced once, and Dad has had to do two in his '01 A6 as well.

Entirely possible I put too much strain on it somehow but I don't think I did.
Bad luck Acme! I wouldn't touch my windows in this weather.
New pollen filter in the Fiesta, not sure it's been changed for a long time as the one I took out looked manky, and it's in an awkward place. Someone has previously ripped the panel off and broken the tabs (it was held on with sealant :rolleyes: ) so that's another job to sort out.
Picked up 4L of 5w/30 synthetic from Halfrauds as it was on offer at £14, so will do an oil/filter change when I can summon up the energy. Bit cold for grubbing around on the floor currently.
Quite enjoy messing around with this car though, as I've had lease cars for a long time and done nothing but wash them.
Thinking about it, the drivers window has been making squealing/rubbing sounds for a while, which I had forgotten about... Should have investigated sooner or greased the runners then this might not have happened! :D
Made the TRD Pro shifter blue and fitted!

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