What is it that makes people hate Apple so much?

It's not the Apple products that cause the hate, it's the annoying users who end up ******* everyone off that leads to a negative association.
Good point with the value for money Feek, I guess it depends on the personal preference of how you like to upgrade as well.

For example I'm in the process of upgrading my aging Q6600 system, I've bought a Sandybridge motherboard, cpu and memory for around £400, probably I'll get £100 back for the 775 stuff on the MM. Although the depreciation is greater, the fact that I can change individual parts as and when required, and reuse items such as the PSU, case, watercooling etc. gives me much more versatility and options which I prefer :)
the 'value for money' thing is often mentioned but what gets forgotten is that fact that the products hold their value far better than the equivalent computers designed to run Windows (happy with that, kylew? :)) and generally have a much longer lifespan.

Apple products certainly hold their value better but I'd dispute the lifespan point of your argument to some extent. It's true for Mac Pros but certainly not true for iMacs and MBPs.

A couple of years ago, a relative wanted to add WiFi to her 3 year old iMac. It was a nightmare. None of the USB wifi adapters sold in London had official Mac drivers and we couldn't find any of the official wifi adapters on eBay. A specialist Mac supplier in the states had a homebrew solution but company's forums were full of people complaining about the stability of the drivers. With a PC, it would have been a £15 and 5 minute job. In the end, we were forced to go down the more expensive powerline route.

Then you've got the problem of Apple continually discontinuing support for older hardware in new OS versions - PPC in Snow Leopard, 32-bit in Lion, iPhones (and possibly iPads) older than 2 years in iOS. Windows 7 will happily run on any hardware from the past 5 years. Apple have generally chosen the right time to drop support for older hardware but it does come with a price in terms of lifespan.
the 'value for money' thing is often mentioned but what gets forgotten is that fact that the products hold their value far better than the equivalent computers designed to run Windows (happy with that, kylew? :)) and generally have a much longer lifespan. As an example, someone is selling a Mac Pro in MM for around £1200. That model is over three years old and originally cost £1750. There's been no interest and I'm sure it'll end up on eBay and will easily fetch the wanted figure because it's a cracking machine with good spec for the price. I'm only looking to buy a new Mac Pro myself because my old one was destroyed by lightning, otherwise I'd have kept it for another three or four years. There aren't many Windows PCs which are still going strong and performing well with the current OS that are that age.

Certainly when it comes to Apple computers, when one looks deeper, they actually are pretty good value for money despite the higher initial cost. Longer lifespan and better depreciation have to be taken into account.

That doesn't only apply to the Mac, either. The iPhone for example will hold it's price far, far better than the Samsung/HTC/etc equivalents.
Then you've got the problem of Apple continually discontinuing support for older hardware in new OS versions - PPC in Snow Leopard, 32-bit in Lion, iPhones (and possibly iPads) older than 2 years in iOS. Windows 7 will happily run on any hardware from the past 5 years. Apple have generally chosen the right time to drop support for older hardware but it does come with a price in terms of lifespan.

To be fair Macs went Core 2 Duo in mid/late 2006 and they can all run Lion. That's five years of machines that can run Lion.
Apple have always been pro-active in moving forward hardware wise. They dropped PS/2 connectors like a stone and ran with USB way before anyone else. Ditto parallel ports and serial ports. And so on and so on. Now they've ditched PPC, but it's not like they haven't been selling Intel machines for ages.
It's not the Apple products that cause the hate, it's the annoying users who end up ******* everyone off that leads to a negative association.

Ain't that the truth. I've no problem with Apple, I own an iPod and briefly had a 3GS, but I'm sick to death of some my clients looking down on my SGS2 just because its not Apple. And why do they always have to say iPhone, i.e. "I left my iPhone somewhere", "Call my iPhone", "I'm on my iPhone". It's a PHONE.
Ain't that the truth. I've no problem with Apple, I own an iPod and briefly had a 3GS, but I'm sick to death of some my clients looking down on my SGS2 just because its not Apple. And why do they always have to say iPhone, i.e. "I left my iPhone somewhere", "Call my iPhone", "I'm on my iPhone". It's a PHONE.

It works both ways, i get quite a lot of unwanted aggro from people when they find out i own an iMac and iPhone, its like they assume I'm going to have an attitude problem and believe I think I'm some sort of 'superior' being due to my apple products, so they wanna get in there first and put me down.
Ain't that the truth. I've no problem with Apple, I own an iPod and briefly had a 3GS, but I'm sick to death of some my clients looking down on my SGS2 just because its not Apple. And why do they always have to say iPhone, i.e. "I left my iPhone somewhere", "Call my iPhone", "I'm on my iPhone". It's a PHONE.

I think that is just ignorance more than smugness to be honest.
I think that is just ignorance more than smugness to be honest.

True, and I've seen Android users behave the exact same way so its not exclusively an Apple attitude. I think we should have "Hug-A-Droid" and "Hug-An-iPhone" days where everyone is forced to use their opposite OS for a day. Share the love man.
I think that is just ignorance more than smugness to be honest.

While your point is absolutely correct, I find it amusing that something as simple as saying "oh I'll just check my iPhone" rather than "oh I'll just check my phone" annoys people. That's seriously something people spend time getting annoyed over? :confused:
While your point is absolutely correct, I find it amusing that something as simple as saying "oh I'll just check my iPhone" rather than "oh I'll just check my phone" annoys people. That's seriously something people spend time getting annoyed over? :confused:

It seems that as it's made by Apple, it irritates people for some reason.

I think there is an element of truth to what someone said in that troll thread Easyrider made in GD a while back. That Apple's aggressive 'lifestyle' marketing has successfully made people feel worse about themselves (or their products) as they don't actually own an Apple product, perhaps it's on a subconscious level, and that causes them to aggressively attack Apple and their customers.
True, and I've seen Android users behave the exact same way so its not exclusively an Apple attitude. I think we should have "Hug-A-Droid" and "Hug-An-iPhone" days where everyone is forced to use their opposite OS for a day. Share the love man.
Either that or we could have a Wordfeud showdown, Android vs iOs... :p
It seems that as it's made by Apple, it irritates people for some reason.

I think there is an element of truth to what someone said in that troll thread Easyrider made in GD a while back. That Apple's aggressive 'lifestyle' marketing has successfully made people feel worse about themselves (or their products) as they don't actually own an Apple product, perhaps it's on a subconscious level, and that causes them to aggressively attack Apple and their customers.

I don't think it makes people feel worse about themselves, I think it annoys people that they are implying that they should feel worse about themselves for not owning an Apple product. In the same way that M&S imply that you are a lower class of person if you don't buy M&S extra special honey roasted smoked british organic farm supportting ham.

If I don't have an iphone....well I have another phone that does everything I want!
Thats wierd, Ive never watched M&S ads and thought Im a lower class for not shopping there - it must be a psyche-thing, some people must infer the ego-massaging which for others just isnt there - but thats the psychology of advertising/marketing...

I look at the Apple ads and just embarrassed for the people that have paid to commission them, rather than think 'phew Ive bought into something 'higher class''

It annoys me that people put so much personal wealth/respect into such arbitary things and then feel the need to impart that onto other people. To me that suggests its more the beholders issue than anyone elses...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Late to the thread! However here's my two cents:

I don't hate apple, in fact I think some of what they do is amazing, and they clearly are technically innovating!

Now my parents, have a love of apple... Macbook pro/iphone/iPad....

I only have an iPod, but I wouldn't for the life of me buy a macbook pro/iPhone/iPad...

Couple of reasons!

I think Apple are in many ways the BMW or Mercedes of computing, and that half of what you pay for is the apple badge and styling...

My iPod I bought, because it was (at the time) the only Mp3 player on the market that would do greater than 40GB capacity of music, and I had a good 45GB of music.... - It did what I needed to!

What bugs me more is the apple uses... Now wrong forum to be posting this in, but frankly, so many of them are "oh apple is so much better no matter what" that it does my head in....

The HTC EVO vs Iphone 4 video summed it up for me... I saw this, laughed horrendously because it is SO TRUE of so many Apple users... I'm not saying it's true of all Apple users, but it is so true of many....

But yeah, I don't hate Apple, but feel that it's overpriced, and I just hate the atmosphere of Apple users...

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feel that it's overpriced

Slight contradiction here...

My iPod I bought, because it was (at the time) the only Mp3 player on the market that would do greater than 40GB capacity of music, and I had a good 45GB of music.... - It did what I needed to!

I guess a product is only worth as much as you're prepared to pay for the features it offers you. In your case, that iPod met that criteria, but for example, a MacBook Pro may not.

I couldn't find another laptop that offered the same level of battery life/performance/size, warranty or customer service that came anywhere close so that for me was a done deal.

But each to their own :)
Ain't that the truth. I've no problem with Apple, I own an iPod and briefly had a 3GS, but I'm sick to death of some my clients looking down on my SGS2 just because its not Apple. And why do they always have to say iPhone, i.e. "I left my iPhone somewhere", "Call my iPhone", "I'm on my iPhone". It's a PHONE.

So what you are saying is nobody other than Apple users refer to products they own by the product name?

  • "I'm going to take the Jag to work today rather than cycle"
  • "Can you pass me the Vaio I need to look something up on Google?"
  • "I'll do the *hoovering* darling, where did you leave Henry?"
  • "Damn I left my Nokia at home. Guess I'll have to go without my mobile today"

If somebody says "iPhone" in a sentence it is all of a sudden heavily loaded. It isn't.

I sometimes say "I need to go get my iPhone" and sometimes I say "I forgot my phone" it isn't a big deal. I always say iPad when referring to my iPad because that is what it is!

So what you are saying is nobody other than Apple users refer to products they own by the product name?

  • "I'm going to take the Jag to work today rather than cycle"
  • "Can you pass me the Vaio I need to look something up on Google?"
  • "I'll do the *hoovering* darling, where did you leave Henry?"
  • "Damn I left my Nokia at home. Guess I'll have to go without my mobile today"

If somebody says "iPhone" in a sentence it is all of a sudden heavily loaded. It isn't.

I sometimes say "I need to go get my iPhone" and sometimes I say "I forgot my phone" it isn't a big deal. I always say iPad when referring to my iPad because that is what it is!


Problem? No.

Not sure why you need to get so defensive about a minor irritant in my life though.
Slight contradiction here...

I feel this depends very much on the product to be fair!

My HTC desire - for example - does everything that I could want, and everything in my eyes that an iPhone could do. Fair enough, I realise that some people disagree, but I'd say the desire is more functional. I also prefer the way Android works over iOS. I do realise that others see the benefits of this, and believe Apple is the future, fair enough!

I also feel that for computers in particular they are overpriced.... Now I know all pre-built PC's are slightly overpriced... But Apple (and to be fair other high end pc builders such as Alienware) charge over the odds for the simplest of things... I just checked and saw $450 to add an extra 6GB of triple channel RAM into the Mac Pro...(It's $1200 for an Alienware...) Now whilst I realise that all companies overcharge, $450 is extreme.... for something that costs all of £50.... So in that sense it's why I pre-build, it works out cheaper, and I feel I get better performance for the money.

I guess a product is only worth as much as you're prepared to pay for the features it offers you. In your case, that iPod met that criteria, but for example, a MacBook Pro may not.

I couldn't find another laptop that offered the same level of battery life/performance/size, warranty or customer service that came anywhere close so that for me was a done deal.

But each to their own :)


Saying that, at the time of buying my laptop (Vaio VGN-FZ38M), my parents bought a similar priced Macbook Pro.
This was now a couple of years ago.
Now, to be honest, I've used the Macbook a couple of times, and can understand the allure... It is simple, it does everything nicely for you, and it does come with some powerful software... However saying that, both the laptop and Mac have Photoshop (or equivelant) software on them, and whilst my parents insist that 'Mac's are just better for graphics' I've yet to find a single thing they can do that I can't.... Now I know Graphic designers do tend to use Mac's, so I imagine there must be something better about them, but frankly, I'm yet to find it. My main Rig can do everything I need in PS/Premiere....
To be fair of your comment, the Vaio does suffer from Atrocious battery life - something that seems to limit many many laptops... That I would imagine is a benefit of the Pro. Performance and size, and even warranty, were in my eyes identical.

I very much think that the Apple way, is almost a way of life in some ways.


You can have your Mac Pro at home, streaming to your Apple TV.
You can back it all up to your time capsule
Stream your music to your iPad/Phone/Pod
And it all works very nicely together, with minimal hassle. What's more it does it whilst looking very sleek and well designed.

Personally, I'd much prefer the idea of:

A large server system with all the data on it, in a nice raid array to prevent data loss
Streams to a HTPC
My HTC connects to my various accounts, which are linked into my PC.
My laptop again can link into the server, but personally if I can I'd love to get a Chromebook....

To be fair a lot of what I'm saying is basically the same system and Apple make it nice and simple for you, with minimal need to change. Saying that, I like the tinkering side of things. If I feel my PC isn't packing enough oomph, I feel it's much easier to change a couple of things than it would be in a Mac... The system is basically the same, it's just not Apple all over it, and I realise Apple makes things simple, which is why I can understand the appeal... It's just not for me :)

Yes I do think that Apple products can be slightly outdated, admittedly the iPhone and iPod when they first came out were revolutionary.... but, the iPhone 4 definitely does not change everything again... the ultimate upgrade isn't to a Mac. Some of the advertisement is just so damn pretentious.... The iPad 2 entered the market as fair competition to the rest of the tablets on the market, but it wasn't above and beyond (in my opinion). Something that I almost expect considering the volume of hysterical praise that some Apple lovers give to Apple, and that the Apple advertisement itself seems to suggest...

I'm certainly not saying that Apple should be as hated by some as they are, because they really are doing some innovative things, and have done a lot over the last 10-15 years since coming to prominence.

For me though, there's plenty of alternatives, if I find an Apple product and it really does do everything I want for a better price, completely blowing the competition out of the water, then yes I'd obviously buy it. But as of yet, as I've already said, the only thing that's convinced me is the massive iPod.... I wouldn't not buy an Apple product just because it's Apple, but yeah I feel I get exactly the same from the products I already have.

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