What is it that makes people hate Apple so much?

That combined with a staunch "our way or the highway" attitude from Jobs.

That very attitude is why OS X and iOS work so well. The system is controlled. Some people might not like that and are welcome to systems like Android & Linux. Personally I just want my computer to help me get things done not to tinker.
That very attitude is why OS X and iOS work so well. The system is controlled. Some people might not like that and are welcome to systems like Android & Linux. Personally I just want my computer to help me get things done not to tinker.

Exactly. Even in the open source and Linux community there's a reason Slackware is still alive (and one of the oldest original distros). Because of the "benevolent dictator for life" thing. While democracy is good within a project it can also lead to conflicts of interest and eventually someone has to step in and say "no, everyone shut the **** up, I got this" and tell everyone the way it's going to be. That's why the linux kernel still exists. Python. Perl. Slackware (as mentioned). While so many other projects have fallen because of internal conflicts.
I've always been on the fence with Apple products. I love their dedication to design and detail, but I hate their obsession with controlling everything and the sanctimonious attitude of their advertising.

I had an iPhone for 7 months and it was great, but I resented having to invalidate the warranty to get some actual control over it. Yes, there is always a market for tinkerers and non-tinkerers, but when you're jailbreaking to add in features that iOS sorely needed at the time (multitasking, proper notifications) it can be very frustrating.
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I'm not being obtuse at all. Mac computers are still PCs, nothing about "personal computer" implies it means Windows based, by pretending that Macs aren't PCs, I think people are trying to at like they're "something special". People seemingly like to own things that seem special or that not many people own. Fact is, everything that makes a PC a PC makes a Mac a PC too.

No they're not

Go ring any tech support line you can think of and ask for support for your "PC" and see how long it takes for them to realise that your PC doesn't run windows at all.

Fact of the matter is

PC = IBM compatible PC running windows
Mac = Computers produced by apple that run OSX.
Lets put an end to this debate as it is getting boring and old now. No matter what device you like and go for and use in every day life.... they all work and they are all bloody top notch experienced devices regardless of who makes them.

Lets put an end to this debate as it is getting boring and old now. No matter what device you like and go for and use in every day life.... they all work and they are all bloody top notch experienced devices regardless of who makes them.


That wasn't the original debate

But you've got a point. The thread has just drifted into the usual apple vs pc debate again.
It's a shame that this topic is in the Apple section, you'll struggle to get a non-biased opinion.
The extreme Apple hatred people are usually just foolish, they either haven't used the products long enough and don't get OSX, or they are just in the anti crew for bandwagon style lols.
The extreme pro Apple people are equally as foolish, the number of times you'll see them post outright lies, or misinformed opinion... It makes them just as bad as the misinformed anti crew.
The PC is rubbish, cheap and will always get virus', Windows is unusable.
That one is always a good laugh. :D

Like my Apple computer, like my PC. Like my Galaxy S, like the iphone 4.
The end of the day, Apple are just a company, they don't give a **** about you. Their products look nice, but they are no faster than the competing products.

Some good examples of Apple fans taking things too personally in this thread. Another common issue seen online.
It's in this forum for a reason. In GD it's a free for all of misinformed idiots shouting the odds.

How many blind Apple fanboys have you seen post in this thread, spouting the 'elitist' rhetoric they are 'known' for? None.
I could be considered a "fanboy" owning an Iphone, a macbook and an imac.

But that doesnt mean i go wooping into the apple store every time i go in, Or high five people randomly.

Heck i even queued up at launch day for my iphone 4, because i'd sold my Iphone 3G on ebay a few weeks earlier before the iphone 4 launch.

I'd done this deliberately as i knew what was coming at WWDC 2010 and wanted to get it sold before the prices on ebay dropped. I queued because i needed a new phone, and knew that if i didn't queue up on launch day, it would be months before the phone was fully in stock everywhere.

So what at face value looks like a real fanboy thing to do (queing up for hours to buy an apple product) was in fact a calculated decision to sell my old phone at its best price, and then to get a new one so i spent as little time as possible with a £50 nokia lol.

Thing is, nobody else queing up on launch day was wooping and cheering and acting all strange because i was at an O2 store. People only do it at the apple store because the apple store people get them to do it, not because of any great desire they have as an "apple fanboy"
Apple staff are told to behave like that, and most people just go along with it. Most people you see doing all the silly stuff with the Apple staff actually look quite embarrassed. I know I would be :p
The queues at the O2 store on launch day were massive. But not one single person felt the need to share their "love" for apple products by High Fiving people and cheering and wooping.

Like you say, its just something that apple store staff are told to do. No doubt by some marketing director somewhere who thinks its cool and makes them "edgy"

For everybody else, they just do as they are told / follow everybody else to fit in.
You generally only get the high fiving at the actual Apple stores at the special launch events. The queues I saw outside the phone shops when the iP4 was launched just looked like 'normal' people who were looking forward to getting a new gadget.
At the end of a day, this is a technology forum. I see no problem with people queuing with mild excitement for buying a new hi-tech electronical item.
It just saddens me when people rubbish competition without knowing what they are speaking about.
And this goes for the anti-Apple idiots too, the ones who've never used OSX or can't understand the price of the equipment.
It just saddens me when people rubbish competition without knowing what they are speaking about.

Of course they know what they are speaking about.

Its all marketing BS.

If you were the sort of person to have Steve Jobs as a personal friend, i bet you'd have a totally different kind of conversation with him about good android is and how much of a threat it is to them.

But stuff like that doesnt get said on record.

Its just the way business is.
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