What is the creepiest thing to have ever happened to you?

Only one incident for me, we were laying on the bed watching tv or something at my ex's old house (seriously old) and quite clearly heard someone run up the stairs. She went to investigate thinking her mum had come home but there was no one there. After a few moments of thinking wtf we forgot about it.

So maybe a year later they had a friend round, who is/claims to be a spiritual medium (I'm fairly skeptical about all that stuff) and he said there are spirits of children in the house who will often be heard running around on the landing or up and down the stairs, quite spooky!
This thread is partly responsible for making me start writing up an ebook on the strangest and scariest places in Britain :D
Woke up from being half asleep at about 11 at night, I saw black shadow at the end of my bed standing there. It looked just like My mum and as I shouted Mum it slowly faded away.
I was about 13

I used to get this all the time. I'd wake up and in the middle of the night and see my grandmother standing there. Happened all the time.
Alternatively recognise sleep paralysis for what it really is.

When it's happened to me I've been able to sit up and move around. I've never had that much freedom of movement when I've experienced sleep paralysis.

Obviously it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Perhaps fragments of dreams creeping into my waking world.
Sounds more like a hypnopompic state, where the waking mind is still experiencing dream like imagery, it's pretty common but nonetheless disturbing at times, normally happens when waking straight from REM (dream) sleep.
Just took the time to read through this thread, some awesome stories in here! Unfortunately I don't have anything to contribute :(
So because i had had a few drinks i got my 'of the day' Digital 8 camcorder out and filmed it. I start out in front of the camera saying 'tonight i have the devil on my bedroom wall' or something. Just making light of it.

For my sins I'm going to dig the old footage out and put it on here .... and as a footnote we moved 7 months later ..

Please do this!

Have you watched it since?
The caving story would probably translate well to a film, remember reading it years back and it was an interesting read. But knowing Hollywood the inevitable "Love" story would rear its head along with cgi left right and center. :rolleyes:
Happened to me back when I was at uni. Finished watching The Ring and went into the extras menu to see what's there. Lo and behold, one of the extras was the tape that kills. Watched it through, and...yes you guessed it...at that very moment a phone rang in my dorm mate's room. Just coincidence, I know, but being all alone at that time, it creeped the hell out of me.
A few years ago i was asleep in bed, and i was awoken by this really loud screaming noise in my ear. It went on for a few minutes. Needless to say i **** my pants but not not as much as i did with the next one....

A week or so ago i was woken up by some shuffling noise in my bedroom, as i opened my eyes 'something' grabed my like and was trying to pull my off the bed. I had a look after and nothing was there....

If you like this thread then check out this link:


More strangeness than you can point a stick at.

Oh dear! I keep checking this thread for the latest creepy stories and it's about all I can take, yet you've now introduced me to an entire forum based on this stuff. Arghhhh!

This one really creeped me out: http://www.forteantimes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=45271&sid=b6a4cd733198a15812dcd0f74e35cb09

Especially because the guy seems so keen to get a rational, logical answer to what he experienced.

Edit: It seems a bit lengthy at first because he goes into great detail about the area. I skipped through some of the description but when he is on the way back in his boat things start to get creepy!
I broke my ankle a couple months back and About a month or so ago I was on the bus, minding my own business on my way to work when this chap comes up to me and sits directly opposite me. He starts a casual conversation about my ankle and asks how I did it etc...

I thought this was a little bit strange but I humoured the guy as I had nothing better to do. He then asks if I would like him to say a prayer for me, I just replied with "save it for someone who really needs it". He was some born again evangelist who survived a car accident, handed me a leaflet and we both sat in a somewhat awkward silence, I got off the bus early just to avoid him.

Not a particularly amazing or creepy story but it sure creeped me out, half asleep at 8 in the morning.
Wow that is a creepy story! especially what happens to the campers later on the thread :eek:

Just reading through that now. If anyone is interested in reading more about that weird BEK (Black-Eyed Kids) phenomenon I have an article about them in this month's edition of Ghost Voices magazine :D

I had one about 4 years ago when i was at secondary school. I think i got into a routine e.g. get up have a shower get dressed make breakfast do teeth and go to school. Then one morning i woke up dressed completly in my school uniform with my shoes on and i have no idea how it happened! I went to sleep wearing something completly different then woke up in my school clothes. I went downstairs and there was some toast in the toaster that was stone cold, my school bag was by the door and everything was like i normally did. I asked my mum if she heard anything in the night and apparently she heard nothing?

Strange times
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