What is the oldest game you still play?

Soldier of fortune, and Soldier of fortune 2 my oldest games ive been playing recently.

X-Com apocalype (Gotta be my fav game of all time) and many N64 games, which are always fun for 4 player madness.
-Tauren- said:
Xenogears recently. Imported. And soem suikoden and suikoden 2. But as for pc games... erm.. I liked the privateer games.
Suikoden is an awesome game :D Suikoden 2 was good but not quite on a par with Suikoden imo.
Keep meaning to import Xenogears one day when I have the money. :o
Haly said:
Suikoden is an awesome game :D Suikoden 2 was good but not quite on a par with Suikoden imo.
Keep meaning to import Xenogears one day when I have the money. :o

Heh.. True, i love the original. Better story line, and no annoying Nanami >.> Xenogears was worth the money. A nice game to play. It reminds me of um...Breath of fire 4. A bit.. I dunno why.
I'd have to say pac-man before RR6 loads.. still can't get 15000! Other than that, some classic PSone games emulated on the laptop.
My brother has the original Pong game that he is using as a coffee table ( Yes, with a protective extra glass mounted on rubber feet ) and we have the occasional blat on that now and then.

On the PC, I still play PSI-5 which I got with my Amstrad 1512 way back, and of course Doom/Quake etc.

The one game that I really love to play however, is Turrican on the C64... That hit me so much when I first got it... Not seen anything like it on the PC, and funnily enough, while this was a platform of sorts, these days, I seriously recon that a 3D version of it would make a seriously adictive game that will take off... Obviously NOT using the Doom3 engine, but certainly the UnReal 2 one ( Take a hint game makers )
Nickg said:
Super Mario Kart!!!

cant get enough of that battle mode goodness!!ssxw

Is that on your SNES? Or PC?

Oldest game I still play very regularly (in fact play it more than any other game by a long shot still) is Unreal Tournament (1999). Far older but far less regularly played is Xenon II, Kick Off II and Dungeon Master.
pmbuzz said:
Bomb Jack and the occasional bout of Robotron.


Ah RoboTron!!!

Another beauty is Minter's LamaTron... Seriosuly psycadelic

Bellboy said:
Oldest game I still play very regularly (in fact play it more than any other game by a long shot still) is Unreal Tournament (1999).

Me too!

My kids favourite game that... We all go into the LanRoom every few days and kick hell out of each other. Has a bit more appeal than the later versions of it, and does not need a massively powerful system to run it either! - 128MB, Voodoo3 and a 200MMX is plenty fine to play it.
as i still have a fully working Atari ST setup it would have to be Wonderboy 3,Space Crusade or PipeMania. also as above BOMBJACK (i actually still own an origional Atari floppy for this)

also most of the marios from the NES/SNES
Xionic said:
as i still have a fully working Atari ST setup it would have to be Wonderboy 3,Space Crusade or PipeMania. also as above BOMBJACK (i actually still own an origional Atari floppy for this)

also most of the marios from the NES/SNES

On the SNES, I got Killer Instinct
It was this that got me onto the N64 - KI Gold... Oi Larve it

As for the ST, I too still use on every day, but I also use the TT ( 48Mhz CaTTamaran & CrazyDots ) ... in fact, its only recently with Namo WebEditor 4 ( Dont like later versions ) that I finally stopped using the TT for making web pages... Till only a few weeks ago, I was using QED & CABunder Magic 6.2 & Jinnee 2.5

Erm, oh right gaming... Well, I still play SimCity original on my TT

Oldest PC game I got is PSI-5... Havent I already said this? I got DevaVu just then???
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