Suikoden is an awesome game-Tauren- said:Xenogears recently. Imported. And soem suikoden and suikoden 2. But as for pc games... erm.. I liked the privateer games.
Haly said:Suikoden is an awesome gameSuikoden 2 was good but not quite on a par with Suikoden imo.
Keep meaning to import Xenogears one day when I have the money.![]()
Nickg said:Super Mario Kart!!!
cant get enough of that battle mode goodness!!ssxw
pmbuzz said:Bomb Jack and the occasional bout of Robotron.
Bellboy said:Oldest game I still play very regularly (in fact play it more than any other game by a long shot still) is Unreal Tournament (1999).
Xionic said:as i still have a fully working Atari ST setup it would have to be Wonderboy 3,Space Crusade or PipeMania. also as above BOMBJACK (i actually still own an origional Atari floppy for this)
also most of the marios from the NES/SNES