What is the oldest game you still play?

On the PC it's Baldur's Gate from 1998. I still believe I can complete it. Been playing it on and off since the day of release....I know I'm slow. I've recently completed Chapter 5 (Cloakwood).

Loads of other games played and completed or finished in various states.
I play Fragile Alliance (1996) on and off on my old laptop. Still a pretty looking strategy game. A bit like a faster paced version of ogame.
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I was playing quake and blood for quite a while. I think blood was one of the best 1st person shooters ever.

Doom occasionally but none of that zdoom fancy rubbish, i demand 320x240 and no mouse
I have a spectrum emulator on my PC and play loads of classic games from the 80's and 90's reguarly - Rock Star Ate My Hamster, IK+, Player Manager, Jet Set Willy, 1942 and too many more to remember.

Oldest geniune (Not Emulated) game i play is Frontier: Elite II. I have a windows 98 machine just to play this, i love it!!
Virtual Pool Hall (1998?). Didn't like what Celeris did to the VP3 interface even though graphics were a bit nicer, so reverted to this version.

IMO still the best pool/snooker physics engine available, coupled with very fluid cue control - Cueball 1/2 or World Championship Snooker did nothing for me.
Charlatan said:
Oooh thanks for that. I feel my life draining away again :D

I have to agree.. i am not going to hunt for that game because if i find it ill be hooked again.. it really does steal days of your life. Just like the sim city games.
Echo said:
Virtual Pool Hall (1998?). Didn't like what Celeris did to the VP3 interface even though graphics were a bit nicer, so reverted to this version.

IMO still the best pool/snooker physics engine available, coupled with very fluid cue control - Cueball 1/2 or World Championship Snooker did nothing for me.
I will look for that in the shops, must be cheap now :)
Hmm, probably Flashback on the PC. Really miss that style of game.
Other than that, Mortal Kombat, SOR 1/2/3, Micro machines and road rash on the mega drive.
Another vote for Chuckie Egg !
Used to play this at school as a kid and still get a challenge from my mate when he comes round...... What a classic, still fresh as the day I first played it. Who needs a x1900 crossfire :p
When my mate comes back from uni, we ofthen get few round and whip out the N64 and spend hours on Goldeneye, ISS98, mario tennis, mario kart etc :p Great fun.
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