What is 'woke' and why do we use it?

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Ive noticed that people are willing to accept being 'woke' even without asking for it to be clarified yet the same isnt the same with racists. They want to know what your defination of racist is despite everyone knowing.
Firstly, that's because 'woke' is still considered fashionable, even amongst those who don't like to be so labelled, wherein it's quite a hipster thing. Being a confirmed racist is almost universally considered bad.
Secondly, a LOT of people clearly don't have a clue what racism actually is, as evidenced by how many very minor actions have them screaming and playing the race card.
This picture sums up Matt Le Tissiers social media activity


And yes I know he’s not technically a boomer :p
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It is quite extraordinary how it has become acceptable to completely exaggerate and misrepresent something. This idea that the "woke left" want to give life-altering drugs and mutilate the genitalia of children is simply bizarre.

1) any sex-re-assignment surgery is only done after years of living as the proposed sex
2) it is never done except at the request of the person

There are people who believe that anyone should have the right to get re-assignment surgery; that is not the same as "wanting to" [do it to other people].

Stan has the right to change his name to Loretta and live as a woman and it is even his her "right" to have babies even though of course he she can't. But where are all these people who want to "do it" to Stan without him asking for it first?
It is quite extraordinary how it has become acceptable to completely exaggerate and misrepresent something. This idea that the "woke left" want to give life-altering drugs and mutilate the genitalia of children is simply bizarre.

1) any sex-re-assignment surgery is only done after years of living as the proposed sex
2) it is never done except at the request of the person
It is quite extraordinary how it has become acceptable to completely exaggerate and misrepresent something. This idea that the "woke left" want to give life-altering drugs and mutilate the genitalia of children is simply bizarre.

1) any sex-re-assignment surgery is only done after years of living as the proposed sex
2) it is never done except at the request of the person

There are people who believe that anyone should have the right to get re-assignment surgery; that is not the same as "wanting to" [do it to other people].
it's not 'complete exaggeration or misrepresentation' at all, for a start the biggest trans charity in the UK wants to give children under the age of 16 puberty blockers (we'll ignore how they are under investigation by The Charity Commission over safeguarding concerns), I believe the ex CEO also took their 16 year old child abroad to get gender affirmation surgery. Then you have the massive rise of gender clinics in the US that give out blockers to kids like candy, numerous stories about confused teens getting pushed into surgery and regretting it a few years later. All of which is cheered on by the left. Go onto social media on any day and you'll see 'woke' leftist trans activists calling for the above.
Stan has the right to change his name to Loretta and live as a woman and it is even his her "right" to have babies even though of course he she can't. But where are all these people who want to "do it" to Stan without him asking for it first?
I don't think you understand what a "right" is.
So who is pushing her in to that?
Sick and twisted parents who see it as a badge of honour.
So who is pushing her in to that?
The questions should be:
1. Who the F is administering medications to and performing sex change ops on kids so young that by the time they're age 13 (happened in America, there's a thread somwhere on here with details) they're on antidepressants because they changed their mind but can't undo what's been done?
2. Even if someone under the age of 16/18/21 (whatever is considered an adult in a given region) is considered able to give legally-binding consent, what makes anyone think they even understand what gender really means, let alone being old enough to actually experience that gender and know what it means to have a change op?
A tolerant society actually needs to be intolerant of intolerance , this is a well known dichotomy.

Exhibt 103467 in D.P's continuing effort to show that an extensive background in academic study far from guarantees that people won't talk absolute nonsence about societal issues and in fact seems to positively correlate with it!

(Einstein after all was quute keen on socialism despite its obvious flaws)

This is a common stupid talking point that either explicitly or, as in this case, implicitly invokes Karl Poppers 'paradox of tolerance.

But for some reason leftists frequent fail to read past the first paragraph and or understand the second....

Here's the full speech..

Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.

— In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant

Obviously 'rational argument' is frequently a sticking point for the likes of D.P. ....

Who of course himself benefits from having scampered of to a world renowned tax haven from where he likes to lecture other people about their obligations to subscribe to all sorts incoherent ideologies, the consequences of which he is fairly well insulated from in a semi rural ethically quite homogeneous village in Switzerland.
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He appears to be obsessed with the subject. Its like listening to Americans call anyone who doesn't share their ideology "Communists or Marists.

Someone else starts a thread about 'woke' and the usual crew pretend to be surprised that Marxism gets brought up....

Well it's either disengeniouity or ignorance being displayed by thoose (pretending?) to be surprised....
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It is quite extraordinary how it has become acceptable to completely exaggerate and misrepresent something.

It's amazing how much gaslighting come out the people that make statements as the above....

It follows the now typical pattern of “That’s not happening but it’s good that it is.”

On the particular claim alluded to in Timbers post the intial claim was that it wasn't happening.... thanks to some largely non MSM investigative journalism we now know this is an absoulte load of bovine excrement.
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According to DeSantis, there have been no "book bans," but there are books that are being removed
because, in his view, they don't belong in schools because of their content.

Doublethink? Sounds like a ban to me.

You can join the likes of Chelsea Clinton, who was throughly ratio'd when she tried to bemoan that books showing explict sex acts were not being shown to children in schools in places like Florida anymore....

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