What is 'woke' and why do we use it?

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Being woke isn't easy..

Ironically, it’s the finger pointing of ‘someone else is the problem’ that IS the problem.

But having humility, and being prepared to listen and compromise, does not sell newspapers or advertising (or get you elected).
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I think we already reached peak woke a couple of years back.

All that has come out of it is more box ticking exercises, which everyone is forced to do but doesn't really believe in.

The ones still preaching it once again look like lunatics.
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Most Netflix films I've seen have some woke element in them.

Take for instance the teddy bear scene in The Wolf of Wall Street. It's a funny scene where Margot Robbie's character tries to give Di Caprio's blue balls, but he turns the tables at the end. No real winner or loser in that outcome. In current times (without Scorsese's team) this wouldn't happen. The writers would be saying this is an opportunity to "educate" the audience. There would be no teddy bear and instead it would be a statement about the patriarchy not getting its way. From the woke "righteous" point of view it is still funny, but the entertainment value is lost.

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I think we already reached peak woke a couple of years back.

All that has come out of it is more box ticking exercises, which everyone is forced to do but doesn't really believe in.
The people in the middle of the political spectrum (i.e. the vast majority) just watch in despair at the nutters on either extreme.
Being woke isn't easy..

Equally the I hear bleating about cancel culture and then you get this

There's hypocritical hysteria everywhere. Everybody needs to calm the f down and pull their necks in.
The Lineker thing isnt cancel culture it’s just highlighting that he shouldn’t be using a supposedly neutral platform to spew his virtue signalling leftie bile. If he was on another channel it wouldn’t be an issue.
He didn't use the BBC to do any such thing.

He wrote his views on his personal Twitter account.
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Oh yeah, the "anti-woke" proport to hate cancel culture and are all about freedom of speech.

Such as Ron DeSantis

Banned Books
Cancelled African Studies
Drag Queens whose work places are within 3 miles of a school
Attemped to cancelled Disney's autonomy for supporting LGBT rights
Cancelled Abortions after 6 weeks

According to DeSantis, there have been no "book bans," but there are books that are being removed because, in his view, they don't belong in schools because of their content.

Doublethink? Sounds like a ban to me.
'Lineker must be silenced' isn't an example of cancel culture because he works for the BBC and so shouldn't be allowed personal opinions on his personal social media in the first place? That's a pretty special take.
'Lineker must be silenced' isn't an example of cancel culture because he works for the BBC and so shouldn't be allowed personal opinions on his personal social media in the first place? That's a pretty special take.
Yeah it’s a bit much banning someone from having a personal opinion just because they work for the BBC.
'Lineker must be silenced' isn't an example of cancel culture because he works for the BBC and so shouldn't be allowed personal opinions on his personal social media in the first place? That's a pretty special take.

no one is trying to ban him from Twitter - the problem is him getting his profile from a supposedly neutral platform.
You mean like their news readers?

Most employees have some rules around social media use.
I didn’t know BBC news readers weren’t allowed to have an opinion.

My personal view would be to shut down all social media rather than having rules around it’s use.
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