Not really, i am woke and proud to be woke. Every normal functional human should be woke, otherwise you literally are for racism, discrimination, and injustice. Which is why the the word, when used properly is relatively pointless because it essentially means you are not a despicable human. So the value now is more to those who self-identify as anti-woke
More or less how I feel. I look at the term in a way of acknowledging that I am awake to some of my subconscious prejudices. I'm not perfect. I don't believe I hold any racist or sexist views and I feel like I'm supportive to those in my life who identify as homosexual etc but I am aware that I need to understand other things a bit more. I really struggle with understanding and accepting the whole trans movement, I don't necessarily agree with it but I'm aware enough to realise it's not my life and in 99.99% of cases, it has zero impact on my life how someone choses to live. I may struggle to agree or understand it but I try not to make my prejudice against the idea of it cloud the way I would treat someone/the group.
At least that's what the term means to me.