What "man jobs" have you done today?

Decided today was a good day to clear the loft out.
Regretting it now though as it's absolutely roasting up there and now lost 20 litres of fluids.
Just binned 3 TV boxes from 2008 complete with all polystyrene innards and bags etc...among other stuff that doesn't get used anymore.
3 double air beds that have since been replaced as they go down overnight - why on earth did we put them back in the loft if they leak?
Any more junk up there and I'd of been on that 'Out of Control Hoarders' tv show!:D
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I've got to do something similar with the new borders in my garden as we've created planters using sleepers. Whilst not being any where near as deep as yours we still need at least another 10-12 bags of top soil and there has already been 4 x 125l bags of compost gone in them and 1 bag of top soil already!

Wickes seem to be best priced as they have them on a 4 for £10 offer atm so will pick some up during the week most likely!

Yeah, Wickes seem the cheapest, Homebase do the same offer some of the time although they have the strange £2.97 per bag or 3 for £10 offer for the rest of the time?! It wasn't significantly cheaper to get a massive bulk bag and in any case the only access to the garden is through the house so the 25l bags are more convenient.

So being I've been in my place a couple of years now and the young lad seems to have "stopped" marking every plasterboard wall in here I finally took the plunge and added some colour to his walls (he asked for them!)

Next up is tiling in the kitchen - possibly end in disaster!
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You missed a trick there, should have filled it with sand to make the ultimate sand pit for your little one. :D
Painting all the skirting boards in the house + any other gloss with a white eggshell - slow boring work :(
Doing a room at a time, half in the morning before work, half in the afternoon after work, three coats per room (old owners had done the skirting grey for some reason :confused: ). 4 rooms out of 12 done so far :(
Does eggshell cover gloss well? Have you had to rub it all down or are you just going straight over it?

seems to be going on very well - had a little bit of beading occasionally when i've not sugar soaped it, but going back over with a brush as it gets slightly tacky seems to sort that, then the second coat goes on fine. Works fine when gone over with a sugar soap wipe before painting :)

Using Farrow & Ball Estate Eggshell which seems a pretty nice paint tbh - better than their modern emulsion thats for sure!
Brilliant stuff. Did this in one of the kids bedrooms and holding up well so far.

Wow, three coats - I did two and that was a mission!

one your still seeing the brown/grey through, two is probably covered but i'd rather do the third while i'm at it and make sure its covered, the third coat isn't overly heavy or even right upto the edge but still helps :)
5 down and one more to go -- I hate painting/Creosoting fence panels/rails

These have been moss killed with industrial moss killer - then pressure washed a week later - left to dry out and now Creosoting.

Soul destroying job.

The original wood posts were rotten at ground level - Now going to have gravel boards and concrete posts - the bottom 6" of verts will be cut off.

The surprising thing is the fence is as good as new - only one bit of rot where one vertical was at soil level.

Pick axe to the garden today. Trying to get the soil loosened up before getting a ton of sand and soil dropped in to hopefully have my grass laid before the end of the year.
Cut and fitted 80ft of 8.5" skirting. 29 peices. Hand made architrave plinths too. Absolute nightmare, so many fiddly bits, doors/architrave, fireplaces, odd angles, radiators and floor scribing to deal with.

Absolutely knackered now.
Started painting the table and chairs as I am not a fan of the cheap ikea pine :D Im going to be painting most of tomorrow I think to get the job finished.
Had a go at the door to the shower in the ensuite which was looking a bit worse for wear (in fairness it's 12.5 years old). Doesn't quite look as good as new now but it's a lot better than it was.

Only outstanding issue it the door handle which seems to want to fall off quite often at the moment (needs some sort of metal/glass glue/sealant to hold it really)
Planted tomatoes into grow bags
A load of weeding
Installed some new lamp shades
Touched up some paint on the skirting and door
Measured up for some curtains
Measured up for a new sofa

Not totally manly, but a productive evening.
Had a sort of my mancave and decided to whack two hooks in the end of the bookcase to allow me to :


Much tidier and im thinking of re-homing all the books to get my bike and camera stuff on the book shelf :p

Then decided to have a bit of a go at the garage where im slowly, but surely building a "tool wall" - ply sheets were put up a few weeks ago, then ........

Splitting axe takes pride of place :)


Ignore the poster - its a joke for another forum :p


And she's not looking to shabby



Still needs some work and lots more to go up, bit is taking shape and far too hot to spend any more time in the garage this afternoon ..............
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