What "man jobs" have you done today?

Finished cleaning up table saw my brother gave me - cleaned rust out from underneath and blade now goes to vertical and 45 degrees - lined up pointers and checked blade is inline with fence.

The blade guard looks new because it's never been used - My brother is a hope and poke man

Got a bit more poke than my old saw

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Your comment encouraged me to have a look for myself, and I was quite surprised by the wide choice available.

With Christmas coming up, I thought the item shown at https://www.amazon.co.uk/Auto-Glym-Surface-Detailing-Pieces/dp/B002N1YAT6/ looked fairly comprehensive.

Has anyone tried this one, and if so would they recommend it?

Thanks! :)

Seems a bit expensive for what you get and is also missing some wax. Might be worth waiting for the black friday sales as they always seem to have some car detailing stuff on offer.

I think thats more of a gift kit which will just have enough polish for one, maybe two uses. IMO it would be better to buy a 500ml bottle of super resin polish for like £8, some decent wax like Collinite 476 and a cheap claybar from ebay for like £4-£6. The Collinite 476 wax is expensive at around £15-£20, but a tin will last you years. You use very little and once waxed it lasts around 6 months. You can get cheaper waxes though, just wont last as long so you'll have to wax it more often.
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I was getting more and more annoyed with the bathroom being turned into a sauna after having a shower so I set about finding the issue.

Last winter I upgraded the lolworthy ceiling mounted axial fan to an inline Manrose MF100 - which is a bit of a beast. However, the room still wasn't clearing anywhere near as well as what the reviewers were saying on Amazon. I messed around with the ducting a couple of times to straighten it out/pull it tense but it never worked and the fan just wasn't clearing the bathroom. During the summer I couldn't be bothered to fix it because the windows were open and that cleared the humidity, but now it's got cold again humidity was becoming an issue. I was beginning to think that the 5 metres of flexible ducting was the issue.

So again I took everything to bits - and found that the fan was blowing hard, even right at the end of the ducting near the vent. This left only one thing - the vent. Low and behold it was completely, 100% blocked up with horrible black stuff so that daylight couldn't even get through. I cleaned the vent out with a long stick and blasted it with a hose from the outside and the bathroom now clears very quickly indeed.

TLDR - Got a powerful bathroom fan? Still getting problems with steam? Check the vent because it's probably blocked.
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Our 8 year old Bristan shower in the en-suite was knackered, realised replacing the thermostat would likely break the whole unit so removed the lot, cleaned it up and installed a new aqualisa aspire DL (exposed valve) with a harmony 105 head.

Cleared up and re-sealed the shower tray too, works a treat now!
Used a few more of the timber screws I got from Toolstation - 150mm and screwed them in with my Stanley impact driver - There was no way I could have got them in without it - had smoke coming out of joint.:eek:

Pics when job is finished.
Used a few more of the timber screws I got from Toolstation - 150mm and screwed them in with my Stanley impact driver - There was no way I could have got them in without it - had smoke coming out of joint.:eek:

thouse timber screws always say they don't need pre-drilling but its worth doing so, even just a bit, otherwise the friction & heat seriously builds up!

The project i started over the summer is finally (mostly) finished:

Got this with the new house:

Took a weekend and 5 trips to the tip to get rid of it all:

Took annother weekend, and 4 more tip trips to tear it all down - digging out the rotten verticals was a right royal pain :(

Bought some wood and power tools - shaped the ends:

Notched out the verticals & angled the crossbeams (should have been 4 but messed one of them up by resetting the depth on the circular saw :(

A final week off work cutting, assembling and painting and:


Just waiting for the last 7 screws to turn up so i can bolt down the centres of the rafters :)
Built a little planter out of an old piece of decking, lined it with a bit of a rubble sack. Painted it with some leftover garden furniture stain. Total spend £0. Doesn't look too bad to me.

Cleaned out the shed - got rid of mice - put up two shelves and dumped a load of rubbish then re-stacked the good rubbish - nice and roomy now.:D
Thought this was a decent bargain if it turns out to be as good as the reviews indicate https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00BCCNZA2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

The mains security light down the side of the house kept tripping the electrics every time it turned on (not great when its a holiday let!!) so its been disconnected. Can't a) be bothered, or b) find time when there aren't guests in, to get the wiring fixed so this will have to do. Should be fine for hosing bikes down and sorting the recycling :o

Also have a bit of a leak internally. A "bit" is actually an understatement.

Moved in Janaury and the plasterboard under the beam was looking a bit ragged. It was gradually getting blacker and bits falling off so hacked a load off a month or 2 back to see if we could spot where it was coming down. Underside of the beam was a tad wet...


But after drying it off we never had any more dripping down. Until last week when we had about 36 hours of torrential rain and a strong constant wind. Seems to be the wind that really sets it off. Water was pouring down, starting in the middle of the beam, spreading all the way along it and also spreading back along the ceiling to the patio doors, where water was running down the door :eek:

Bit of a solution to gather as much water at a time as possible as the drips into the buckets were splashing so badly the floor was going to get ruined, was no way I could keep changing towels fast enough to keep it dry. So this worked but meant the main bucket needed changing every few hours :eek:

The problem is there is no concrete evidence where the water is coming in. We have a balcony which extends above the "back" half of the lounge (from the beam to the patio doors). The balcony is pretty badly tiled and gets a lot of standing water but that doesn't seem to be the issue as we've had tons of rain (Wales :)) but it hasn't come in until the wind blows into the house for an extended period. So could be finding a route through around the upstairs patio door? But i tried to imitate the rain we had with the hose and not a drop came through. So I think it's going to be a balcony up and ceiling off job to find and fix it :(
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