The bit you can see there, the plaster is short off the floor by about 20mm. So it looks "tight" but there is actually a good 10mm to go. I've trimmed the door trim hence why that sits underneath. I am a bit nervous about the gap around the hearth so I'll have at that with the multi tool.Looks good! Although seems to be very little expansion gap around the edges? Would be covered up by the skirting when I anyways if you cuta little more out.
You are right though, should have been a tad less keen given the skirting is 20mm at its thickest. I had an issue around the stairs though where it hadn't acclimatised as well as the other boxes and when I went to bed that night, it had shrank by about 5mm
Not sure, haven't kept count - I am a keen amateur, my late dad taught me everything and when he snuffed it in 2008 I had a go at "ripping" out my Mum's house. I did a bit on the old cottage I was at but that was too old/nice to touch. It has taken me almost a year to get to this stage - I live by slow and steady having had to live with rushed jobs in the pastHow many hours have you put into your house? Are you doing a lot of the work for the first time/a new experience?
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