What "man jobs" have you done today?

Jet washing patios is god tier caveman. Patio magic and stop wasting your time! Or at least treat it afterwards with patio magic.
Jet washing patios is god tier caveman. Patio magic and stop wasting your time! Or at least treat it afterwards with patio magic.

Added to my list of things to buy. Our patio gets little to no sun in winter and ends up a green and slippery death trap. I'll probably jet wash it still to clean it up nicely before applying this.
Teat fitted some Marmox board today, damn this stuff is light as **** compared the Knauf Aquaboard, definitely less than half has heavy, makes me wonder if they've sent the wrong thing! Different materials I guess...
Added to my list of things to buy. Our patio gets little to no sun in winter and ends up a green and slippery death trap. I'll probably jet wash it still to clean it up nicely before applying this.
Ours is the same - I didn't jet wash because the house drains onto our neighbours (a courtesy my neighbour didn't offer and flooded my workshop!). It was thick with moss and other crap; the patio magic went on and it just progressively got clean and turned to dust. Took a while and I wasn't waiting for it to happen, but for sure looks night and day compared to before.

Post here of before/after:

Edit: and I promise, not a single bit of mechanical/jet washing.
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Ours is the same - I didn't jet wash because the house drains onto our neighbours (a courtesy my neighbour didn't offer and flooded my workshop!). It was thick with moss and other crap; the patio magic went on and it just progressively got clean and turned to dust. Took a while and I wasn't waiting for it to happen, but for sure looks night and day compared to before.

Post here of before/after:

Edit: and I promise, not a single bit of mechanical/jet washing.

Wow, that's insane. Nice!
Ours is the same - I didn't jet wash because the house drains onto our neighbours (a courtesy my neighbour didn't offer and flooded my workshop!). It was thick with moss and other crap; the patio magic went on and it just progressively got clean and turned to dust. Took a while and I wasn't waiting for it to happen, but for sure looks night and day compared to before.

Post here of before/after:

Edit: and I promise, not a single bit of mechanical/jet washing.
Link goes to jet wash thread

Edit - found the results on page 2!
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Ours is the same - I didn't jet wash because the house drains onto our neighbours (a courtesy my neighbour didn't offer and flooded my workshop!). It was thick with moss and other crap; the patio magic went on and it just progressively got clean and turned to dust. Took a while and I wasn't waiting for it to happen, but for sure looks night and day compared to before.

Post here of before/after:

Edit: and I promise, not a single bit of mechanical/jet washing.

Tart - I had to check each page for your post :mad:

Correct link - https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/pressure-washer-recommendations.18934429/post-36619319

I think Christmas eve I put some leveller down but I should have used the 2bags there is as there is some gaps /voids and not level. I've primered it again 3times and going to put more leveller on it so it's easier to tile





Went out to get bins in and thought sod this - put bins away and will now be housebound -Wind and rain is awful.
I have a loft job and need to find some boards to get to eaves.
Think the durgo in the loft is faulty so I’ve just removed it and I’m off to Screwfix. Also gets me away from the wife and child for an hour.

Edit fitted and I think it's solved the issue.


Will see in the morning if the en suite smells like a sewer.
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Bought this butcher block months ago but having a 5 month old has meant I don't have a lot of spare time. Finally cut it and placed it into it's new home in my wife's office (currently also baby room).

I need to take it back outside for a sanding and oiling when the weather lets me, I could do it in the garage but it takes up most of the space at 2800mm long. Also skirting boards will be installed at some point.

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