What "man jobs" have you done today?

Took an estate absolutely full of **** from the garage to the tip.

There was a small area in our driveway that was never really finished, previous owners had tried to do something with it but it had become over grown with weeds, and the old fenceposts they had used were all totally rotten

Did not take great before pics, so grabbed these from CCTV Cameras.



2 little helpers assisting with weed removal

Planter build in progress

Ready for planting

Finished product



Made a bench with the leftover sleepers
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Dismantled the whelping/puppy pen, scrubbed each panel with bleach & fungicide, hosed off with scalding water then left to dry in the sun before packing away in the shed for next year.

We have to take Ringworm protocol really seriously as my eldest daughter has horses - a minor embuggerance for them, but absolutely catastrophic for my wife's Persians (she knows several breeders who've had to euthanise breeding queens because of it), so we're really disciplined, avoiding cross-contamination (Daughter's riding kit always washed separately, tack, boots & outer wear kept at the stables).
Finally doing the Scotia beading on a laminate flooring I laid 6 months ago.
I have 20x 2.4m lengths of scotia that I have to wrestle with in my 2.2m deep shed, that was supposed to finish our ground floor, two years ago!
We're "about to have a massive renovation" (planned as soon as we moved in, but finally booked to actually happen), so I didn't bother using it.
I'll make sure it goes down once the kitchen is in and we've replaced the flooring. The first attempt was by my uncle & his wife, who managed to chip pretty much every single board - I wasn't too miffed as we were on a tight schedule and just needed the place "move-in-able".
Scalped the back lawn and triple scarified... Will do a little levelling then overseed tomorrow.

Off the back of this, I dug out a bit section of turf that was about 1" higher than the patio so it made it a PITA to cut (the wheel would slip off and end up scalping this bit) I then did some minor levelling with 70/30 on some sections and used a long batten to screed it out against the higher bits. Overseeded, sprayed on some wetting agent and then watered the new seed.

I have all this to do to the front garden now albeit its a little less than half the size

Not a man job but - sat and watched 6 little Great Tit chicks fledge from my nest box which was nice to see :) They all came out one after the other and its quite amusing as they flap like **** but not sure where to go. They look as if they have been out on the lash before making the leap. I can just imagine what they are thinking - "jump... oh ****, oh ****, oh **** :eek:" :cry:
Managed to get the dump run done that I had to abandon last week. Didn’t need to it would appear as they didn’t check if actually booked a slot and aside from asking what I had ,there was no vetting of how much plasterboard I was dumping

Least I know for next time!!
Made a tree in the garden smaller with a bit of pollarding. Was getting far too tall but gives a nice bit of shade, so dont really want to lose it. Thought I'd give it a chance with this first. If it doesnt work it will completely come down.

Decent bit of wood off it as a bonus.
Putting on new growth nicely now.

There was a small area in our driveway that was never really finished, previous owners had tried to do something with it but it had become over grown with weeds, and the old fenceposts they had used were all totally rotten

Did not take great before pics, so grabbed these from CCTV Cameras.



2 little helpers assisting with weed removal

Planter build in progress

Ready for planting

Finished product



Made a bench with the leftover sleepers
Nice stone choice. However having shovelled a bulk bag and a half of these over the weekend, what pain compared to gravel. Although they do cover well.
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