What "man jobs" have you done today?

Using that
Using that logic I only need half a tape measure as I barely manage 1/2 a day of DIY a week.

It also means that, as well as "where did I put that?" I ask myself the following every week:

What was I doing?
Why did I do that?
What's next?
Where does that piece go?
Why did I start?
When will it finish?
What is the meaning of all this?
Using that logic, I only need a 6"ruler or a picture of a ruler.
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@DXP55 - have you tested your new vac' yet? I'm just starting the epic job of removing all the old mortar from our patio prior to getting it repointed. I figure the quickest way to remove all the loose sand, dust etc out the gaps is to vacuum it once I've taken out the big chunks.
Only tested it as far as turning it on. -Did try the blower and it's a lot more powerful than old one.
I would hazard a guess that without the knozzel on it will suck up reasonable size bit's of mortar.
I have the same job to do but it's a Round Tuit job.
It is a lot smaller than my old Titan which had 1100w and SS body where this is 1000w and plastic but at first go it seems better but will not know till I do a bigger job.

I also have a Gerber multitool but never used that - but also have three Leatherman Micras -One for me and one for wife and one on hook by PC - Best thing I have bought - Got them from US in 2005 for about $12 each -Got home and they were £31 - Today they are £50+ - so a very good buy -They are just the thing for cutting your nails and little bit of cutting and you are nowhere near scissors.
It is on my car key ring it is that small.

Hope you had a good holiday and are ready for next stage of new house graft. I have done my 3 score years and 10. :)
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Ah Leatherman, that is the name of the designer ones isn't it? I just remembered I added one to my Amazon wish list.......


So 7 years of it being in my basket I still haven't checked out (or found a need for it). Cool looking things tho!
Removed some ceiling from the garage to investigate the ensuite shower waste from underneath, so I could see what shower trays might fit.

Turns out that although there's no joist in the way, there's a ******* steel beam instead, just my luck! It looks like they've used a low-profile waste for the current tray, but I want to use a full-sized one really. I guess my only option is to get a tray with a waste more central rather than a cool linear waste at the end of the tray :(.

Removed some ceiling from the garage to investigate the ensuite shower waste from underneath, so I could see what shower trays might fit.

Turns out that although there's no joist in the way, there's a ******* steel beam instead, just my luck! It looks like they've used a low-profile waste for the current tray, but I want to use a full-sized one really. I guess my only option is to get a tray with a waste more central rather than a cool linear waste at the end of the tray :(.

Its not quite a linear waste at the end, but the Kudos Connect 2 trays can be a huge help when looking to get around joist placements.

Its not quite a linear waste at the end, but the Kudos Connect 2 trays can be a huge help when looking to get around joist placements.

Thanks, I had looked at those, but I'm not sure they work because it's in a corner and requires a max 800mm wide tray. The waste would end up being parallel with the water flow from the shower, which might look weird aesthetically.
I have done my 4 score years and 10. :)

Please explain what this means :o

Edit - googled it - https://english.stackexchange.com/q...ten-almost-half-the-time-and-not-always-three

I'm even more confused now :o

Edit 2: finally

Three score and ten' is the nominal span of a human life. In the days that this expression was coined that span was considered to be seventy years.

Threescore used to be used for sixty, in the way that we still use a dozen for twelve, and (occasionally) score for twenty. The use of threescore as a name for sixty has long since died out but is still remembered in this phrase. Threescore goes back to at least 1388, as in this from John Wyclif's Bible, Leviticus 12, at that date: "Thre scoor and sixe daies."
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Please explain what this means :o

Edit - googled it - https://english.stackexchange.com/q...ten-almost-half-the-time-and-not-always-three

I'm even more confused now :o

Edit 2: finally

Three score and ten' is the nominal span of a human life. In the days that this expression was coined that span was considered to be seventy years.

Threescore used to be used for sixty, in the way that we still use a dozen for twelve, and (occasionally) score for twenty. The use of threescore as a name for sixty has long since died out but is still remembered in this phrase. Threescore goes back to at least 1388, as in this from John Wyclif's Bible, Leviticus 12, at that date: "Thre scoor and sixe daies."
Nice one - Thanks.

I am well past my sell by date now.:(
Looking better now. £335 to have the walls and ceiling skimmed, well worth it imho.

Been trying the Lickpro emulsion and satinwood as it's on offer at screwfix and been impressed so far. Window dressed up and room painted white, just need to paint the accent wall, pin some skirting to the walls and pick a carpet.

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Guys, the tarmac on our drive has seen better days but is there an easy way to kill the grass that grows in the damaged parts?

No matter what I do in terms of “weeding” it comes back so feel I need something stronger than me!

We're all on the same conveyor belt and it only goes one way! At least you made it quite far.
Thanks for the links and I have now changed 4 to 3 score years.
I would be 90 at 4 so now I am 3 score and 20.

I always knew that saying from older blokes at work where in those days it meant (I think) they wanted to still be alive getting their pension at 70+
A ex workmate has a hope of living long enough to be on a pension for the same years he payed in NI -He is doing well at 84.
That conveyor belt is now a long steep slippery slope.

My man job today is get the pressure washer out and finish slabs.
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Guys, the tarmac on our drive has seen better days but is there an easy way to kill the grass that grows in the damaged parts?

No matter what I do in terms of “weeding” it comes back so feel I need something stronger than me!
As said above, you need to fill the holes otherwise stuff will keep growing back in the dust/dirt that accumulates there.

You could get a bag of cold lay tarmac e.g.

and just pack the holes full of it and then squash it down with something heavy and flat e.g. head of a sledge hammer.

or there is probably some sort of construction mastic you can get (I know we've used some at work to fill joins in concrete and the like), but wouldn't know what it is called.
Chasing out ahead of overboarding.
The openings are large due to overboarding and using plasterboard back boxes,which would never work with lath and plaster and plasterboard.



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