Well - who else has been hit round the head by Sod's law.
Did a job today as I finally found a Round To it in tool box.
Stuck a piece of architrave up the outside edge of porch to hide rubbish mastic fitter did and it went fine.
By now I needed a pee so off i go -finish and press flush button - Hmmm that seemed a bit stiff so did it again and ping - The cable on flush button popped of.
Took lid off and couldn't see anything wrong except cable off button. Put it on and same thing. Oh golly gosh (posh version) had a look but couldn't see anything obvious - So built myself up to have a go and isolator valve just behind the pan would not cooperate.
Could i turn it off - I had put it on about 1/2" too far to left and couldn't get screwdriver blade on square.
So now got a big job on hand. Fortunatly I did fit a isolater in loft for bathroom cold and hot water.
I am now sitting here real peed off and on my seconf glass of brandy.
Just what I didn't want .
Did a job today as I finally found a Round To it in tool box.
Stuck a piece of architrave up the outside edge of porch to hide rubbish mastic fitter did and it went fine.
By now I needed a pee so off i go -finish and press flush button - Hmmm that seemed a bit stiff so did it again and ping - The cable on flush button popped of.
Took lid off and couldn't see anything wrong except cable off button. Put it on and same thing. Oh golly gosh (posh version) had a look but couldn't see anything obvious - So built myself up to have a go and isolator valve just behind the pan would not cooperate.
Could i turn it off - I had put it on about 1/2" too far to left and couldn't get screwdriver blade on square.
So now got a big job on hand. Fortunatly I did fit a isolater in loft for bathroom cold and hot water.
I am now sitting here real peed off and on my seconf glass of brandy.
Just what I didn't want .