What "man jobs" have you done today?

Not much of an issue with solid plastic pipe in straight runs, but deffo a consideration with joints or flexi pipe.

You had me a little worried there. My bathroom extractor is mounted directly into the sealing but, if you look in the loft, its connected to solid pipe (like guttering down pipe but grey) and has 2x 45° bend which then vent out the roof tile (1st bend is just above loft floor, goes about 4 feet then 45° bend to take it vertical about 8 feet to the roof tile vent).

I cant say I have noticed any moisture or even dampness around the fan inside the bathroom.
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While stopping for some lunch I thought I'd share a picture of the adjacent minging mouldy board.
didn't see - in addition to fan waste, the end goal is ? raising the floor with joist re-enforcement and maybe some additional insulation

Place just moved into has some 1/2" chip laid directly on the joists which has compromised the insulation a bit, so wonder whether survey should have commented on that, too;
so need to move with care.
I measured up, calculated the slabs of different sizes required to be ordered and the amount of concrete required for the remaining paved area.

Once they get delivered, I'll have to slurry the backs, then it's onto setting the boards down and then it's a long day concreting and laying.
Currently got a 2020 VW Sharon in a disgusting state as a courtesy vehicle, whilst my S-Max has an electrical fault sorted; perfect timing, really....

Laid all 5 rear seats down and made a token gesture to cover them with an old dustsheet, then with the help of my brother-in-law, we took the following in 7 trips to the recycling centre:

70m² commercial protective flooring*
70m² old laminate flooring & underlay
105m² council standard-issure vinyl tiles*
58m of 1970's skirting board
22m² old bathroom tiles*
The rest of the old sofa's carcass and all the cushions
Four 1000mm wide kitchen carcasses & doors*
2.5m old particle board worktops*
...and countless broken-down cardboard boxes/packaging, paint tins and bin bags of trash from the renovations.

Most of it was soaking wet, having been dumped in the garden over the past couple of months - we did have most of it covered by our gazebo, but when the weather turned, I had to put it away.

(*Supposed to have been collected by the council/their contractors, but apparently "forgotten" - we had a choice of waiting until the 20th November, or just getting rid of it ourselves :confused:)

Absolutely wrecked.
Cut the grass, tried some lines, didn’t really go to plan as the grass isn’t great and the lawn is mega bumpy.

Going to treat it and give it some love at the weekend, hopefully for a decent spring.


Ha ha indeed! Seems it's quite a common thing then, sadly.

didn't see - in addition to fan waste, the end goal is ? raising the floor with joist re-enforcement and maybe some additional insulation

Place just moved into has some 1/2" chip laid directly on the joists which has compromised the insulation a bit, so wonder whether survey should have commented on that, too;
so need to move with care.

I'll make a dedicated thread about it but the gist of it is to raise the floor off the joists and add more insulation so that the joists are the same temperature across their span.
The cheap DIY product is ‘loft legs’ they come in 17cm or 25cm versions.

There are more premium products available but loft legs are more than good enough for most applications.
Currently got a 2020 VW Sharon in a disgusting state as a courtesy vehicle, whilst my S-Max has an electrical fault sorted; perfect timing, really....

Laid all 5 rear seats down and made a token gesture to cover them with an old dustsheet, then with the help of my brother-in-law, we took the following in 7 trips to the recycling centre:

70m² commercial protective flooring*
70m² old laminate flooring & underlay
105m² council standard-issure vinyl tiles*
58m of 1970's skirting board
22m² old bathroom tiles*
The rest of the old sofa's carcass and all the cushions
Four 1000mm wide kitchen carcasses & doors*
2.5m old particle board worktops*
...and countless broken-down cardboard boxes/packaging, paint tins and bin bags of trash from the renovations.

Most of it was soaking wet, having been dumped in the garden over the past couple of months - we did have most of it covered by our gazebo, but when the weather turned, I had to put it away.

(*Supposed to have been collected by the council/their contractors, but apparently "forgotten" - we had a choice of waiting until the 20th November, or just getting rid of it ourselves :confused:)

Absolutely wrecked.
How did you manage 7 trips?! Around here you are allowed one a day, booked in advance with one vehicle - plus they are hard work for vans.
How did you manage 7 trips?! Around here you are allowed one a day, booked in advance with one vehicle - plus they are hard work for vans.
That's rough. Every now and then they do ID checks here but you can do unlimited visits. They're a bit anal about rubble but generally free for all.
How did you manage 7 trips?! Around here you are allowed one a day, booked in advance with one vehicle - plus they are hard work for vans.
3 weeks ago, i did 42 trips over the weekend to our recycling centre with stone and rubble... just smiled and waved as i went past the guys there, only one guy ever has an issue with it and i told him to do one
How did you manage 7 trips?! Around here you are allowed one a day, booked in advance with one vehicle - plus they are hard work for vans.

It's similar where we are and there are strict limits on DIY waste (8 bags per 4 weeks) and some larger DIY items are still chargeable. The booking is a pain given you have to know the number of DIY bags in advance but need to book quite a way in advance to get a slot.
Wow, our tip is book only, and its tricky with a van.

Relevant as I have been thinking of removing 2 meters of wall outside except there's a large bush to remove first. Already filled the brown bin once.
Tempted to rent a van, the focus may be old, but I remember moving conifers in a fiesta years ago and it took months for the spiders to stop living in the vents.

Todays plan, look at rental prices and inevitably use the focus anyway. hah
No problems with our tip, I can rock up with a van, trailer, whatever, occasional id check, in and out multiple times a day with no issues. The only thing they don't take are tyres which is a bit of a nuisance, but there's a depot about 15 miles away that does take them so I save them up.
For those of you with restricted access is there a problem with fly tipping locally?
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No problems with our tip, I can rock up with a van, trailer, whatever, occasional id check, in and out multiple times a day with no issues. The only thing they don't take are tyres which is a bit of a nuisance, but there's a depot about 15 miles away that does take them so I save them up.
For those of you with restricted access is there a problem with fly tipping locally?
I know ours gets militant when the neighboring authority seems to have an influx of building work and we get loads of guests.
Yeah loads of people from other places ruined it for us. Now you have to book online and scan a ticket/code. Not sure what's stopping someone from putting in fake/someone else's details though. Vans go to an entirely different section and I think they get weighed too.
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For those of you with restricted access is there a problem with fly tipping locally?

Not sure but there is a lot of man with unmarked van types about and who knows where they dump it.

Prior to the government forcing council dumps to take DIY waste this year at no charge, ours charged a stupid amount for each bag. It was cheaper for me to get a local grab bag company to drop me a few bags and take one away every 6 to 8 weeks. Even if only half full with DIY waste it was a bargain in comparison.
How did you manage 7 trips?! Around here you are allowed one a day, booked in advance with one vehicle - plus they are hard work for vans.
Our tip is recycling/domestic waste only, but you can get rid of building materials in reasonable quantities. You register your name, address & vehicle reg, I guess so they can filter out the commercial Clearance/Disposal people.

Other than brick/plasterboard/asbestos tiles, everything else is considered domestic recycling/waste.

I've managed 19 visits in a 72hr period (3 years ago when we first moved in), before I had an email asking if I was using the tip in a professional capacity - sent photos of the renovation works we were doing and proof we'd changed address and the restriction.was lifted....
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