What "man jobs" have you done today?

Bent 2 forks and snapped a tine off a third digging bamboo out of a raised bed.

The missus suggested a pick axe halfway through which proved to be the ideal tool for chopping the evil stuff out.

If anyone ever tried to sell you a bamboo plant, punch them.
4 shelves, and it's not even lunchtime. Annoyingly I've lost my decent 6mm masonry bit. And the 5mm is too big for the yellow plugs. And the no10 screws I have are 2" (a bit too long).

Making do with a crappy 6mm bit, trusty red plugs and the 2" screws. Amongst assorted other bits. Sigh.

At least I've given my new Ryobi it's first outing and not had to use my monolithic Clarke. It has performed very well indeed.
Spent the morning cleaning out garage shelves and bins - Now have 10 redundant bins and bags of junk. You still can't see what I have done.

Why did I keep 6 bed legs with castor on them ?? - Just in case of what ??

Fitted some foam board underlay and carpet tiles at the end of the garage. Attached a new blind to the window. Put in some extra plumbing for the washing machine. Then fitted an end board, battens and worktop to make a little utility area. Gone from this:


To this:


Just need to add in a couple of rows of tiles behind to make it look a bit more finished. Going to add a 300mm base unit at the end, which should leave enough space for a 55cm freezer between. :)
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Looks good. :)

Hired a breaker this weekend to dig up some of the concrete driveway. Did this yesterday afternoon and laid some 'Aco' drainage channels infront of the garage and house this lunchtime.

I wouldn't mind seeing pics of that.

I've gone the girly route and got someone in to lay my new drive. They're starting tomorrow. /embarrassed

Today I have cleared the drive ready for tomorrow. I have stripped the paper from my bedroom ceiling and filled a few cracks. I will sand down when dry (1-2 hrs) and in the meantime, I'll crack-on with the picture rails - as soon as I can drag myself away from this laptop. ;)
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I've bought a load of new tools recently and don't have anything to use them on so I just wanted to chop up some wood n made this little beer caddy. Not really a 'manly' job but it was fun to try my hand at some basic wood working again.

(apologies about the awful photo, I'll get something better later)

Nothing more manly than chopping up wood and using power tools to make something to carry beer :D
Was down in the kitchen and heard drip-drip-drip.. went upstairs and there's water coming down the draw string of the bathroom.

It seems that the cold water tank overflow is (a) occurring and (b) leaking. The watercock isn't stopping the water completely causing a gradual drip-by-drip overflow and the overflow pip seal to the tank itself is leaking - it's a plastic pipe with a plastic nut type of affair.
So that's a B&Q trip to get some washers to sort out that today..
Total of about £8.60 to change the ball valve (stop the incoming drips, a internals replacement wasn't much cheaper), add 1/2" and 3/4" washers to the junctions where the pipes are clamped to the sidewall of the water tank (they should have them but didn't - hence could not be tightened enough).
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Digging out for a concrete slab (log cabin, shed thingy in back garden). Absolute nightmare - roots everywhere, and just found an old base buried too. Groan.
I just had to have a go! (I put ear defenders on soon after my wife had taken this snapshot).

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Finished the majority of the tiling in the bathroom. Still some painting skirting, new door to fit etc to finish off. Also tested my RGB lighting.

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Dug (augered) some holes

There is / as a large oak tree just over out back boundary fence and the owner pollarded it about 18 months or so ago. Amazing how much water it must have sucked out the ground as we now get pretty bad standing water in the back border and the back patio looks like a duck pond.

Im going to auger and dolomite / hardcore a load of holes in the back border later in the year but decided to attack the patio today



Chipped / raked out the pointing to the centre stones and lifted them out


Some slurry base to chip through, quite simple and first hole done


Two and three were pretty straight forward


The fourth was a right PITA - looks like a mix of the last of the mix and a lump of concrete - just chipping the topping on the fourth took almost as long as getting the first three holes done :(


All done but but CBA going to get the stone fill so laid the slabs back into place until tomorrow

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