What "man jobs" have you done today?

No need for that, it's on flooring grade joists, the weight is distributed evenly over 5 of them. Just refilled it with water and there were no creaks or uncomfortable noises so I think it's fine.
So I went outside to sand the woodwork ready for paint and was greeted with the strong smell of poo.

On lifting the manhole cover I saw a collection of face wipes blocking up the pipe. This is a drain shared by 6 houses but based on previous experience it would have taken a few days for the water company to come out so I donned my rubber gloves and broke out the drain rods to clear the blockage. Because of the shape of the pipe I couldn't get the rods all the way through so had to break out the pressure washer.

Managed to clear the blockage but got covered in a thin mist of 'stuff'. At this point my neighbour comes out to engage me in conversation about what is going on, I stood there for 10 minutes covered in the stuff before I could get in.
Pruned some roses.

Im needing to cut a rose bush back and then move it to the new house.
it was moved about 5 years ago.
I really know nothing about them but it was my mums rose bush and she passed away in 1985 when I was 8 so it may sound daft to some but I would like to keep it.

just wish I knew more about it
Drilled the final holes for my Lee Enfield stock keyrings, dipped them all in boiled linseed oil and left them out to dry. Now to figure out how to do neat lettering...
Built some Ikea stuff.

Was rather annoyed with one part being badly machined and not sitting flush. Considering the cabinet was £185 its not really acceptable. But nevermind. Its not something anyone other than me would notice.

Today I'm gonna do a tip run with all the cardboard and crap then have a bit of a tidy up before chasing walls for plug sockets.
Retiled the area around the bath yesterday. The seal has never been very good due to the use of those plastic strips which go behind the tiles. So out came the row of tiles immediately above the bath.

First attempt of tiling and had to use those Mosaic tiles. Think it looks alright although I certainly got better towards the end. Already planning to tile the kitchen now between top and bottom cupboards (certainly have enough adhesive/grout spare!)

Then realized the leg of the bathroom cupboard had snapped off (part of a welded subframe), made some botched fix to stop the wife buying a whole new cabinet!

Then got myself reading to make the mirror but the heavens opened so sat down with beer.
Of course, Macca! :)

On the neat lettering, have you considered branding it. I think that's how they were all marked up anyway when they were new.

I tried punch stamps but they are fiddly and there are about 30 keyrings to do so I don't have enough spare time to make it as perfect as I hoped. I was going to see if I could get something made up like a stencil or a branding iron but because it is a proper finished stock with contours and holes for the butt trap, pull-through and screws, I've had to cut lots of different shapes to make efficient use of the wood so there's no one-size-fits-all solution.

Instead, I've written up a little blurb about the keyring and will include that as a small laminated card. This was only really meant as a minor project to practise my carpentry skills, but if the keyrings prove popular I'll get a wartime-font stencil and do it properly next time around. (I already have another butt stock ready as I found it in a carboot sale!)
Cut a large hole in the kitchen wall through to the under-stairs cupboard and built the framework for a recessed bookcase/cupboard. Lost about 30cm from the width of the under-stairs but gained valuable storage space in the kitchen.
Finished retiling the bathroom and shower yesterday. Had to replaster the wall before hand. Refitting radiator now due to redecorating the bathroom after the tiling. After the radiator - reinstallation of LED lights and PIR.

She who must be obeyed is now nodding and winking at the kitchen!
Just finished building a bit of pallet furniture, however I forgot to log the progress so there's just the finished product to show.

Oh and we put some decking in too! :D

I had no idea at all how much it was going to cost to deck an area approximately 6.5m x 5.8m, or how much all the little bits and pieces cost but they soon add up.

105 x 2.4m Decking Boards

Frame timber

Weedproof membrane

1600 x Decking Screws + Various other screws

16m of rope







just back from the new house.. ive been stripping the wallpaper in the oldest boys room, running cat5 cables throughout the house ( ive ran extra just incase for future use ) opened up the old fireplace in the living room and started to build a box inside it to house the sky box, dvd player and whatever else finds its way into it ive also ran a cat 5 cable and sky cables into the rear of it. tomorrows job is to bore a hole behind where the tv will go and drop down power and HDMI leads then the wife will paper the wall :D while I go and find other bits to do.
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