What Next for 2020? Volcanoes of Course!

The eruption looked huge :eek:.

The plumes of gas, smoke and ash pouring from the volcano reached 20km into the sky, Tonga Geological Services said.
The eight-minute eruption was so violent it could be heard as "loud thunder sounds" in Fiji, more than 800km (500 miles) away, according to officials in the capital Suva. The Fijian Government has issued a tsunami advisory and opened evacuation centres for people in low-lying coastal areas.
Could hear the air pressur booms from the Tonga eruption from here in NZ, we've had some aftershocks from it too though, we had one in my area as I was leaving work yesterday afternoon but I didn't feel it. We're on tsunami warning in north island atm.
First direct SO2 measurements come in around 0.4 mt, compared with around 18 mt for Pinatubo ('91). Pinatubo caused global cooling of ~0.6C for 15 months, so far this eruption is not of the scale to have detectable climate impacts.

Global shock wave was impressive, my weather station picked up the pressure spike around 15 hours after the explosion.
Allegedly an ash cloud that would cover the UK from London to Edinburgh. When you consider the original island was tiny, that is an impressive escalation.
It's not normally like this so I'm assuming this is the remains of the tsunami reaching our shores...

Potential there for an even bigger event :s

Yes Krakatoa in 1883 was 20x as explosive as this one and was a similar situation of water getting into the magma vent after partial collapse, getting blocked and causing steam explosion

I don't think we'll see another one here until it has rebuilt the island again as there's nothing left to collapse and block the vent though
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