What PC games are you playing?

CS:GO that I picked up at the beginning of the Steam sale. Was a little hesitant in buying as I thought that it would be quite hard to get into, full of pro's etc. But I am having really good fun with it. Already had my £2.99 of fun but can see myself putting a fair few hours into this.
not sure how to describe them really, it doesnt look bad but it does suffer from too much HDR/bloom until you turn down some options.

It plays like painkiller/serious sam mixed with melee combat which wont come as a suprise as its from the same developer as Hard Reset. although you get lots of weapons i find im using the sword more than anything. Its just so much fun to slice and dice those enemies :)

Also there seem to be a lot of silly hidden things, most of which i have no clue what the reference is.

For example in one of the early levels hidden behind a waterfall was a semi naked pixelated anime girl


Start from about 7 mins for a look
Farcry 3
Guild wars 2
Batman origins
BF4 when it decides to work
+ lots of random games on steam

I like to switch it up depending on my mood. mostly its been shooters or random games of late.
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