What PC games are you playing?

CoD:4 (still..... after all these years)
Assetto Corsa

In need of an uptodate FPS with great SP and MP. (I've got MW3,BO2 and not a fan if BF3/4 or origin.)
COD ghosts is my multiplayer of choice atm, first venture back to the franchise in quite a few years and it isn't bad.
FF7 as it was on sale and I fancied another run through.

I'm getting batman for xmas so that'll be my game of choice for over xmas.
Mortal Kombat Komplete with my new Fighting Stick! Only now do i realize how useless is xbox gamepad with fighting games!
not sure how to describe them really, it doesnt look bad but it does suffer from too much HDR/bloom until you turn down some options.

It plays like painkiller/serious sam mixed with melee combat which wont come as a suprise as its from the same developer as Hard Reset. although you get lots of weapons i find im using the sword more than anything. Its just so much fun to slice and dice those enemies :)

Also there seem to be a lot of silly hidden things, most of which i have no clue what the reference is.

For example in one of the early levels hidden behind a waterfall was a semi naked pixelated anime girl

Start from about 7 mins for a look

Just noticed this game is in the steam sale now - worth a purchase?

If so, worth getting the special edition?
Hostile Waters. First played the demo probably 11 or 12 years ago and adored it. Bought it in 2005 (could never get hold of it before as I was living in South Africa at the time) but I was at uni then and never had time to actually get into it.

Superb game, not perfect by any means, the friendly AI gets a bit annoying when it seems to defy your orders but the voice acting is superb and it has some very clever features like your AI units talking to teach other during combat. Great being able to give orders RTS-style or take control of units and get involved yourself.
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