What PC games are you playing?

Need to finish the Mass Effect trilogy asap. Only 2 hours into the first one, and I assume many more hours are upcoming.

aye almost the same finished first on on xbox, started second one then real life got inthe way.

dont suppose if the me2 xb360 saves can be transfered to pc?
aye almost the same finished first on on xbox, started second one then real life got inthe way.

dont suppose if the me2 xb360 saves can be transfered to pc?
Not that I am aware, however, this is a great tool. I use it to touch up my save-files of my characters anyway-


This is for ME3 I believe, but you can get one for ME2 as well.

And if you want a base to build from, check out this site- http://www.masseffectsaves.com/
Also need to get round to finishing FC3, game's incredibly beautiful and seems to have quite an epic storyline. I legit nearly cried at the beginning.. no spoilers :O
Not played the new raider game....
last one I played was one of the first games and it didn't play that well for me....

us the new one a big leap in the right direction, is it worth getting.
Not played the new raider game....
last one I played was one of the first games and it didn't play that well for me....

us the new one a big leap in the right direction, is it worth getting.

I would say if anything it's probably more accessible to someone who either never played or wasn't much of a fan of the earlier games...

It's good... very enjoyable and I doubt you'll feel ripped off... I wouldn't go as far to say it's amazing, and there are a few things it sort of lacks compared to the earlier games (but again not anything you'd notice unless you were particular fond of those)
Still finishing off Bioshock: Infinite and Tropico 4 from Steam sales but managed to grab Arkham Origins for £6 so will be looking forward to that this weekend.
Not played the new raider game....
last one I played was one of the first games and it didn't play that well for me....

us the new one a big leap in the right direction, is it worth getting.

Great game, I'm about 50% through it & it's just gets better.
Can certainly see me having another play through once I've completed it.
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