What PC games are you playing?

Mx vs atv Reflex
World of Warcraft

Just been these two games since about 6 months after BF3 came out and i got bored of it, I got BF4, though can't get into it at all
Finally got into Dishonoured and having an absolute blast! 1st 40 mins I couldn't really get into it and didn't touch it for about 3 months but the last few nights have had trouble keeping away from it.
Been playing some backlogs starting with Rage which i,m quite enjoying tbh & once thats completed hopefully by mid week...might just give Dark Souls a shot:)
FEAR (original) - getting a bit bored 2/3 hours in
Borderlands - Not overly impressed, I keep trying to get into it.
Broken Sword (original) - on Tablet, it's still great
Mini Motor Racing Evo - fun-ish micro-machines/rocknroll racing/skidmarks inspired racer
SF IV arcade edition - love it, but I'm terrible at it!
Limbo - just finished it, was awesome
Scribblenauts unlimited - fun initially, novelty is wearing off after couple of hours.
None at the moment! Deciding what to play next.

Got a little bored of FC3, but might persist to complete it.

Rome 2 is tempting me to start another campaign.

X3AP is crying for my attention too :D
Rome 2 with patch 9 really improves the battles, making the game a lot more challenging and fixing a lot of the optimization problems they had, so I hear :)
Mass Effect 2. Finished ME3 last week so thought I'd have a go at #2. Have to say I am missing the interface and Normandy layout from #3.
CS:GO and COD4 with my brother, and playing through Fable; TLC for what must be the 5th time on my own (such an epic game).

I seem to have amassed a list of 29 awesome games that I'm hoping to play at some point, but I seem to acquire games faster than I can play them - during this play through of fable I've acquired BF4, Kingdom of Alamur, Metro: LL and fallout 3 and NV. So many games and so little time...
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