What PC games are you playing?

Currently playing Skyrim, Witcher 2, BF4, Sleeping Dogs, Arkham City, Arkham Origins, Far Cry 3, Crysis, Hotline Miami, Dragon Age Origins, Half-Life 2, Borderlands 2, Fallout 3 and Splinter Cell conviction.
How can you be actively playing so many games at the same time? I find once I've got 2 or 3 on the go I get less out of the storylines etc. if I keep switching to more than that (maybe just me though)

Currently just finished Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea (part 1), pretty good, and been playing a little Guns of Icarus with friends on the side... And in between that checking out Civ V BNW
How can you be actively playing so many games at the same time? I find once I've got 2 or 3 on the go I get less out of the storylines etc. if I keep switching to more than that (maybe just me though)

Currently just finished Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea (part 1), pretty good, and been playing a little Guns of Icarus with friends on the side... And in between that checking out Civ V BNW

With great difficulty. I've only just built my first pc, and have been like a kid in a sweet shop: just so many places to buy from, so many continual offers i've been scooping up anything that I fancy. That little lot over a period of about 3 weeks has cost me not much more than 1 new next-gen console game. :D
I went with The Witcher in the end. Got all the mods sorted fairly quickly, and played a bit. I was gonna say it ha slightly dated, but tbh it was always like this:p

Good to play it again after all this time. I have never replayed it. I replay pretty much every game I enjoy, especially RPGs, but never this as it does have some not so great segments, and the general controls and shall we say 'quirks' of the game take a while to get used to!
BF4 and ArmA3 here too with the usual staple diet of eve online.

As a "nobody online, i'm bored for 30 minutes" game I've been playing a bit of Rome2
Titanfall mostly, with a bit of Call of Juarez Gunslinger mixed in to break it up a little.

I enjoyed the mindless run and gun of Kane and Lynch 1 years ago when I played it so figured the second game should be as good, if not maybe a little better. How wrong I was, such a crap game it's ridiculous. Crappy graphics, crappy aiming and guns, just.. crap!
BF4 for me atm, the naval strike dlc is pretty good though i am starting to bore of the overall mechanics of the game.

Would like to try rtw2 again but a little apprehensive about the hurt it puts on on 7970 at 1440p :(
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