What PC games are you playing?

Currently playing Remember Me. I like the jumping and climbing, which reminds me of Mirror's Edge, and the memory remixing thing is kinda fun. It's just a shame that it's awkward to play with keyboard and mouse (specifically, looking around); guessing this is a console port?
Just bought Thief this morning so gonna give that a good going over today. I do like a game where you have to be sneaky and not all about twitch killing baddies.
Currently having a playthrough of Hitman Absolution after having it on my backlog pretty much since release. Quite enjoying figuring out how to be creative with my kills whilst still trying to remain stealthy. Can be quite frustrating at times.
Finished Mark of the Ninja, now just started Fez

Not sure if I like it so far.

Reminds me of "Nebulus" on the C64, though. And that's nice.
I've just installed medal of honor allied assault. Its been years since I've played through it. I was inspired from watching saving private Ryan. Also recently installed command and conquer first decade.

I was thinking of a new rpg but can't think of anything I'd enjoy. I don't have time for a overly complicated rpg.
I finally purchased DayZ. I really enjoyed the early days of the mod (I think it peaked when rocket took away the starting pistol bit before it turned into a PvP grief fest) and this feels kinda similar. Except all the griefers in the standalone.

Also Kerbal Space Program because I always play Kerbal Space Program.
Playing new build of Bugbear Next Car Game. :)

Been playing Arma 3 a lot for the last 2 weeks.
Started a new game of Civ V, playing as Poland.
I've also just today picked up Wargame: Red Dragon (it's really hard :D).
Alternating between Skyrim, F.E.A.R 3 & Grid 2 at the moment. Got a bit of a backlog though of games which I've picked up in various sales & bargains.

Actually enjoying FEAR 3 more than I expected.
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