What PC games are you playing?

Been playing a lot of diablo RoS - understandable right :-D but finally decided to dip my toes into burial at sea pt 2 - not too far into it but enjoying it all the same - know the story will open up and lead somewhere
Gave hearthstone a go on Sunday, actually a really enjoyable game :)

Need to get back on Diablo 3 myself too....thanks for the nudge
The Witcher is still a fine looking game with a texture pack!

It is good because it is so long since I first played it, so I can barely remember most of it!...so much to do though. The lack of customization is grating, but tolerable.
I feel like playing that again.

At the moment I'm close to completing, Bioshock Infinite. It's a good game, but I found Dishonoured more engrossing.

Just started the FEAR trilogy again. Great story. Also like how each game improved on the last, graphics and the game play.
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. The series slipped me be when it first came out so working my way through them now.

Pretty good game (lot easier with an xbox controller on a PC), just nearing the end of it now.
Assassin's Creed Black Flag, very good game and looks great too. Just beat my second Legendary Ship - La Dema Negra - after the 3rd attempt, it's a nice refreshing change to have some difficult "boss" battles :) Still don't know how I'm going to defeat HMS Royal Sovereign + Fearless and El Impolute, especially the latter with her horrendous ram!
Civilisation V, never played a Civ game before and have no real idea what's going on. Kinda suck at it like I do at most strategy games, but ah well.
Napoleon Total War with Darth mod. Yikes on hard hard this game is really difficult. Wihin 15 turns playing as Britain I ended up bankrupt with both my trading ports in norwich and wales damaged and unable to repair.
Flicking between:

Thief (Which I quite enjoy - while accepting that some elements are irritating)
FTL - advanced edition.
F1 2013
FIFA 14 (which I'm bad at, and there's no chance I'm ever risking playing against a human)
I feel like playing that again.

It's a game I like to revisit quite regularly. The story and atmosphere are top notch as far as I'm concerned, and the expansions are solid, too. I'm less keen on the F.E.A.R. 2 & 3, though as shooters they're decent enough.....just too far removed in design for me to warmly associate them with the first F.E.A.R. game + expansions.
Started playing the Ghost Recon Online reboot. Enjoying it so far but the match making is infuriatingly slow to find any games. Gameplay is enjoyable but would benefit from more maps, so far all the maps are very long with the teams fighting over points spread the entire length of the map. Some wider maps would really help the longevity of the game for me as it would allow a greater variety of tactics.
Started playing the Ghost Recon Online reboot. Enjoying it so far but the match making is infuriatingly slow to find any games. Gameplay is enjoyable but would benefit from more maps, so far all the maps are very long with the teams fighting over points spread the entire length of the map. Some wider maps would really help the longevity of the game for me as it would allow a greater variety of tactics.

I also gave that a go a few days ago. The F2P model seems fair, it doesn't seem to be a 'pay 2 win' so far. I enjoyed it.
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