What PC games are you playing?

You're in for a rare treat!

After a recent FF7 thread here, I'm also replaying this.

Still excellent, 17 years after I played it originally on the PS1.

I totally agree, wish I could play it forst time again, its still fantastic even to this day IMO. FF13 just doesn't compare
-Neverwinter Online.
-Star Trek Online.
-Champions Online.
-Planetside 2.
-Battlefield Heroes.
-Call of Duty: Ghosts (first time touching it since gifted it at Christmas).
-Metro: Last Light.

Me too, about 80 hours in and getting dlose to finishing.

Underrated game, I remember when it was released everybody said it was a buggy mess and not as good as the first one.

The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod has fixed the first for me, and I'm really enjoying it. Its good!!
It's a shame. Holding out for a Kotor 3

Won't be happening. All Old Republic content is being put into SWTOR.

You can play the game for free, choose the Jedi Knight and complete the class story, ignoring other quests and you've played KOTOR 3.
Taking a break from DS2 so I'm playing Terraria. I haven't played since the last major update, which, by the way, was free and added tones of content.
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