What PC games are you playing?

Stalker Lost Alpha.
Really impressed with what they have achieved, I've only put about an hour into it but will be giving it a big play over the weekend.

Supreme Commander 2.
I just love building bases of uber mass destruction.

Arma 3
Just playing scenarios downloaded from steam workshop, especially helicopter based missions.
In the small periods of free time i have had it has been:

F1 2013 classic mode
Carmageddon early access
Assetto Corsa

All pick up n play games strangely
- DayZ Standalone
- Battlefield 4
- Battlefield Vietnam (the original, classic, unbeatable one that first introduced me to the idea of being able to be infantry, drive a tank, be on an APV's machine gun, parachute from a Huey helicopter and drop napalm from an F4 Phantom all in one round.
-Company of heroes,

loving strife and most played ATM,
and I was recently playing COH2, for the free steam weekend, but found it not as good as the original, so reinstalled, and playing a lot of it lately.

But the BF4 net-code bugs are annoying, and stopping me playing it to much.
Dragon Age 2 - Finally got it on the cheap and I'm not hating it, surprisingly.

There are the obvious massive faults, which have been stated many times and they are valid. It really does feel like the cash in, shove it out the door project everyone claims it to be, which is sad. Yet I'm enjoying the experience, mostly...

The biggest problem for me though, is Skyrim. That's now set the standard that I want from my worlds, in terms of scale and accessibility. It also defines the way I want to interact with its inhabitants, DA2 has none of that sense of 'immersion'. What it does have is NPC's vanishing after conversations, NPC's just strolling around while all hell breaks loose around them. Or just plain standing around doing nothing... It does make me exclaim "wtf" from time to time.

- DayZ Standalone
- Battlefield 4
- Battlefield Vietnam (the original, classic, unbeatable one that first introduced me to the idea of being able to be infantry, drive a tank, be on an APV's machine gun, parachute from a Huey helicopter and drop napalm from an F4 Phantom all in one round.

Can't believe BF Vietnam still has a community after all this time!

It's the only online FPS where I actually felt that I was better than average. As a result, I loved it. :D I have fond memories of blatting GI's with my trusty AK47 and digging the belting soundtrack. I can also remember upgrading my HDD to a WD Raptor to make sure I was one of the first in to each map. :o
Dragon Age 2 - Finally got it on the cheap and I'm not hating it, surprisingly.

There are the obvious massive faults, which have been stated many times and they are valid. It really does feel like the cash in, shove it out the door project everyone claims it to be, which is sad. Yet I'm enjoying the experience, mostly...

The biggest problem for me though, is Skyrim. That's now set the standard that I want from my worlds, in terms of scale and accessibility. It also defines the way I want to interact with its inhabitants, DA2 has none of that sense of 'immersion'. What it does have is NPC's vanishing after conversations, NPC's just strolling around while all hell breaks loose around them. Or just plain standing around doing nothing... It does make me exclaim "wtf" from time to time.

You are absolutely right about immersion. The worst example for me is the main theme of the story, mages being BAD! Mages are being persecuted and strictly controlled, whilst you and your sister are walking around flinging fireballs at people without anyone batting an eyelid! There is a fundamental disconnect between gameplay and narrative in the game which shows a distinct lack of 'love' for the game by the people that made it imo. Also, every single mage turns out to be a nutcase!

Can't believe BF Vietnam still has a community after all this time!

It's the only online FPS where I actually felt that I was better than average. As a result, I loved it. :D I have fond memories of blatting GI's with my trusty AK47 and digging the belting soundtrack. I can also remember upgrading my HDD to a WD Raptor to make sure I was one of the first in to each map. :o

Certainly does, but it's somewhat reduced! A few years back there were still not many players, but there was a core bunch who were on most days.

The soundtrack was incredible, and the way you could play Ride of the Valkyries from a Huey whilst invading a VC-held village was just awesome.

I have fond memories of LAW-ing fellow players that got into the Phantom before I did (I didn't think of upgrading my system to get there first!).
I got myself the Witcher 2 yesterday so I've been playing that. Did a bit of Crysis 3 the other day to test out my new hardware. Thats about it really...
I wanted a linear, turn your brain off, single player FPS last night so after searching around I bought Singularity off Steam for £3.

I'm really enjoying it so far, its well worth the cash and fits the above need perfectly.
Just tried Daylight (freebie with graphics card). Surprised it wasn't mentioned on the forum recently now that it's been released but think I may know why - it's pants :). Only tried it for a very short time but walking down straight dark corridors and opening doors, occasional object falling over and ghostly sight when turning around and with the occasional "hello, is anyone there" doesn't get me excited. Don't find the graphics that good either. May give it another go later this evening.

Will try Stalker Lost Alpha - thanks for mentioning that above.
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Splinter Cell: Blacklist from the dirt cheap deal from yesterday. Didn't think I'd enjoy it after playing the last one briefly, but so far I'm really liking this one - shame it's on uPlay and that sucks. Every time I run the game there's an update to install, why not just give me them all at once?
Having forgot i had the wolf among us and the batman games i have been playing them
Upto to episode 3 on the wolf among us
Anout halfway through on batman arkham asylum... First time i have played it, well impressed
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