What PC games are you playing?

been playing quite a bit of insurgency,
there was a half life mod a while ago, but this is the stand-alone version, its got some decent game modes, reminds me of cs + operation flashpoint!
WoW and Diablo 3 RoS mostly. Found myself playing some Unreal Tournament since the announcement last week. Played a little Pool Nation, still trying to finish Trine 2 Goblin Menace, was playing a lot of Path of Exile but not touched that in two months now.
Replaying Dishonored atm. Really great game. Just done the first mission, and dealt with the main target the non-lethal way.... Then had to kill 4 guys whilst trying to get away!
just finished batman arkham origins not a bad game but felt hollow compared to rocksteady games.even the combat felt disjointed.

next on the list Medal of honor

just finished Assassin's creed 4, had it for a while but could never get it to run until i upgraded my cpu+board and reinstalled windows. Not bad, not brilliant though, too repetitive, pretty much all the stuff on foot was 'follow that guy'.

also playing through stalker: lost alpha. Pretty good, AI is awful though. You can literally take out entire groups of bandits from a distance without one of them so much as flinching lol
Just about to start Far Cry 3 Ziggys mod, i haven't even played the vanilla game, but the way everyone raves about this mod i thought i would give it a go :p
also playing through stalker: lost alpha. Pretty good, AI is awful though. You can literally take out entire groups of bandits from a distance without one of them so much as flinching lol

Either wait for Dezowave to properly complete it, or look for an unofficial AI patch on the GSC forums. :)
Couple hours WoT to finish off the monthly event (sp)
Odd hour on GW2 which I've not touched in yonks (some nice changes)

Had intended to get into Dayz this weekend as I'm experiencing what I could best describe as a bit of a "gaming funk" of late, was hoping this would lift me out of it :P (how wrong could I had been)
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Finally got around to trying out Crysis (1) with some mods. Not sure if I'll play the whole game right through, but I'll keep adding mods until it breaks. Blackfire's lighting mod is pretty good.
With all the hype surrounding the new Wolfenstein game, I've just reinstalled Return to Castle Wolfenstein, installed the latest unofficial 1.42c patch, running it at 1080p rez and having a ball!

Would be 13 years since I last played this :D
Back on the Counter-strike train. And really enjoying it again. Wish I had more time to play more competitive.
Civilization 5 at the mo, although I've just dismantled my PC to re-do the watercooling loop. Want to get it done soonish as Tropico 5 is out on Friday
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