What PC games are you playing?

Finished Mass Effect a couple of days ago, still an incredible game and well worth a re-play.

Started on Mass Effect 2 yesterday and i'm absolutely loving it, it's crazy how well they've implemented the carry-over save stuff!

Yeah the ME series is one of my favourites, I come back to replay all of them every once in a while - it's great how many different choices you can make and how that will change small (and, sometimes, large) details in varied playthroughs :)
Is X Rebirth any good now?

How does it compare to EVE Online?

No idea how it compares to EVE, but it is much better than it was at release. Patch 2.0 has brought some great changes. Certainly worth checking out again if you own it (if you don't I would wait until it is cheap in a sale).
Victoria 2. Really wish I had picked this up sooner as it's a good fun game. Going to get the DLC (and probably the rest of the Paradox strategy titles :o) soon. :D
Some one posted a link to Factorio and I have been playing it ever since, costs about 15 euro and I have sunk about 60 hours into it:) It's in Alpha but I have played it without any issues other than some icon's disappearing. Better than any recent AAA game that I have played in the last couple of years.
Playing Watchdogs just now after finishing Metro 2033 eventually. Going to have a wee break before jumping into Last Light. 2033 was amazing, wish i had played it sooner.
I've been trying to play Two Worlds II. But without expansions and stuff, but today I picked up the pirate expansion for £1.74 on Steam... So, I will install the Worldmerge mod which combines all the worlds of SP, DLC and MP maps together and tweaks the game greatly.

Visually it's been absolutely stunning, but everything is just a little clunky to use at the moment with the 360 controller and combat is a bit... Rough around the edged.
I am playing Watch Dogs atm, then I have Arkham Origins lined up.

Watch Dogs is very good in places, and overall I would recommend it. I don't really get much chance to play now, so it is gonna take me ages
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