What PC games are you playing?

Just X Rebirth at the moment.

Got bored of Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning.

Might go back to play a bit more of Tropico 5 in bit.

Can't for the life of me play more of Thief. Glad I got it for free!

So many games to play and so little time...and with another Steam sale just around the corner and a long wishlist of games I want to purchase!
I agree thief is hard work, and I paid full price doh!
DotA, Hearthstone and Chivalry are pretty much the only games I play at the moment. I've played DotA for a few years but seem to be playing it a lot recently.
Started playing elder scrolls online - first impressions not good but going to stick to it for a week to try and get into it.

Then started on watch dogs and can't put it down,
Just completed the last 2 of the 3 DLC's for Sniper Elite V2 (had the Hitler DLC at launch).

I had no clue until the benches thread here on forum that there was more DLC for this game.

I am now ready for Sniper Elite III on 27th.
Just completed the last 2 of the 3 DLC's for Sniper Elite V2 (had the Hitler DLC at launch).

I had no clue until the benches thread here on forum that there was more DLC for this game.

I am now ready for Sniper Elite III on 27th.

Yeah, great game & your just in time for part 3 :)
Went to go back to Dragon Age Origins and apparently an Origin update has broken it for a load of people. Solution per EA - manual registry edits and a re-install. FU EA :(

So I started playing Drakensang - River of Time instead. Story isn't quite at Bioware levels, but damn, it's a big, complex party based RPG :)
Just taken a break form my usual games and finally finished season 1 of the walking dead. I would recommend it as i enjoyed it although it has taken quite a while for me to finish it.
Decided to play some of my older games. So I thought I would start with Assassins Creed: Brotherhood. It's taking a bit to get used to the controls and remembering the fight combos again, as well as the bloody camera angles changing and screwing up your movements.
Not sure if I will finish it, just does'nt have the same appeal it once had.
Crusader Kings 2. I thought I'd start alternating between this and Victoria 2, to cut down on the amount of Chivalry I've been playing. Instead, what happened was I put almost 50 hours into CK2 in two weeks and haven't touched Victoria 2 since. I am terrible. :(
I am only playing Dota2. I am still very new to this game but am really enjoying it.

I do feel like a new game to play though hoping for the van helsing games on offer on steam or something.
little bit of BF4 still.

quite interested in this spintyres game ;)

but mostly this weekend I'm been rinsing "Car Mechanic Simulator 2014" :D finding it pretty enjoyable, can be a bit repetitive but there's only so many problems a car can have right? ;) it's quite detailed but would love if they made like a "hardcore" mode where it's a lot more specific, like needing to torque bolts down and in the correct order.

for anyone who doesn't have a clue about cars you could learn quite a bit about some of the cars systems and even about trouble shooting issues as each "job" usually has a small description along the lines of "I've noticed my car is pulling to the left, could you fix it for me please". for people who know quite a bit more about cars then doub't there's anything to be learned but can still be fun :D

going back to my previous point about a hardcore mode, what I would love to see is maybe car DLC packs/community mods. with a bit more time and effort they could make more detailed models about specific cars and could actually be a useful guide/learning tool. having to take off all the proper bolts and screws to get at something, removing other parts to get to the bit you need and it being true to life for that given vehicle. and by a bit more time and effort I really mean a lot more time and effort :p would be cool though, more for learning than gaming though as each job would take a hell of a long time in comparison to the quick jobs you do now :p
I've started playing I War 2 again. I played it once about 10 years ago and box has been sitting in plastic shelving draw ever since, I can't even remember why I didn't get into it. It's was probably to hard and I got inpactiant with physics as I was to used to play X wing and Wing Commander style space games. This time I'm determined to stick with it.
DayZ SA -- Though I wish they would update faster!

BF3 -- The last good battlefield game!

GTA IV -- Re-downloaded, excited for V!

Toribash -- Don't even know why really. Mad breakdancing skillz
atm im playing

Planetside 2
DCS heuy mod and A10-c
BF4 now and then. plus hardline beta.
Star Citizen
have some racing sims and euro truck but waiting for a better office chair until i get back into them.
probably some iv missed lol. if im not working im trying/playing games and making videos on them.
I have a problem where I play about 8 at once. So-

Halo 2
Saints Row 2
Crysis 2
Crysis 3
Mafia II
Enslaved Odyssey to the West
Last of Us
Alice: Madness returns...
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