What PC games are you playing?

Deus Ex:HR - The Director's Cut

This is comfortably one of the greatest games I have even even heard of. Slick, stylish, stealthy and utterly brilliant. I'm crawling through it now as I don't want it to end.
Stalker SOC Arcade mod / & Oblivion Lost 2010.

The arcade mod is great for those that want a less challenging entry into the stalker universe. ;)
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-Star Wars: The Old Republic.
-Battlefield 4.
-Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
-I Am Alive.
-Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
-Among the Sleep.
-Mass Effect 1.
-Metro 2033: Redux.
-7 Days to Die.
played this weekend sniper elite nazi zombi 2

was 3 quid on steam. was better than most 30 quid games played recently :p
Just bought Goat Simulator and Battleblock Theatre last night for the grand sum of £6.30ish. Goat Simulator looks like a good way to pass 10 minutes, and Battleblock looks crazy fun and we can play this over Christmas when the family comes over :p

Tempted to get pick up Speed Runners with the same goal of entertaining everyone over Christmas after a few beers.
I cashed in my Game Virtual Shares, so decided to grab a few cheapy steam games.

Playing Lords of the Fallen, which so far I think is very good, really like the heft of the weapons.

Other than that, its CS:GO as usual and a bit of Super house of dead ninjas.
Currently playing Batman Arkham City. about 1.5 hours in.

Even though I enjoyed Arkham Asylum I just never felt the urge to play the sequel on release.
Was playing COD Advanced Warfare but it really is rubbish.
Poor graphics and overly taxing on my system. Glad I didn't buy the DLC packs!

Might be something to do with my 7990 and the pathetic AMD drivers though.
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