What PC games are you playing?

Been playing Mordor but getting a bit bored with it, up to where you have to turn several warchiefs but getting 'samey', probably stick it out only a few missions left.
Finally got round to finishing Max Payne 3. Do really enjoy Rockstar games always a decent storyline game. Just started Far Cry 3 in anticipation for FC4 will need to try blitz through 3 though.
I picked up far cry 3 from steam over the weekend because it was £3.74! Didn't play it the first time round so I'm looking forward to it. Going to do coop with a friend of mine.
Still playing Gauntlet. It's great.

Will be starting something else soon, after finishing Edna & Harvey (New eyes). Need to decide between;
Bioshock (1)
Brutal Legend
Metro 2033

Any recommendations of those 3?

My personal ranking : 1) F.E.A.R. / 2) Perseus Mandate / 3) Extraction Point (the good ones); then 4) F.E.A.R. 2 / 5) F.E.A.R. 3.

Perseus Mandate is worth playing then?

I've played FEAR and EP this year, FEAR was amazing, EP was more of the same, but Alma was less scary and there was no discernible plot, which diminished the experience a bit. A couple of amazing set pieces, though (Holiday :eek: ).
I picked up chivalry medieval warfare in the Halloween sale and have been having a bit of fun running around with a massive pole axe hacking people to pieces. I imagine it will be short lived fun but for £5 who cares.
After having bought Hearts of Iron 3 about 4 years ago I have now finally plucked up enough courage to give it an extended bash. After playing it for about a month I have just about made it to the top of the learning curve and am no longer shared ****less by the sight of the technology page. It's a great game. A different experience to other Paradox games like Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis, as once war starts that's it till the end of the game. There are no periods of calm or peace, just full a on wargame from that point onwards.
Perseus Mandate is worth playing then?

I've played FEAR and EP this year, FEAR was amazing, EP was more of the same, but Alma was less scary and there was no discernible plot, which diminished the experience a bit. A couple of amazing set pieces, though (Holiday :eek: ).

Yes, definitely. :)
Been "trying" to play FarCry 4 today. Keep getting disconnected from the online servers and it punts you back to the start screen. Then when you reconnect and do it all again you get punted off again.
Hoping the servers sort themselves out before the weekend as it looks like quite a good game.
Just finished Deus Ex: Human revolution on the PS3 (played it a couple of times on the PC). Such a good game with an absolutely stunning soundtrack, wasn't too keen on the very last bit though.
I'm nearly done with Shadows of Mordor - enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

I'm not quite sure what to start playing next - I have a shed load of Steam unplayed games - I might give Bioshock 3 or Far Cry 3 a try. Or I could try Skyrim legendary from scratch again (I rage quit on release after getting so far but the lack of crossfire support for my 6950sx2 killed my interest my r9 290 should breeze through it).
Tried Grid 2 but got bored really fast. Hate all the fake feeling career stuff, can't get on with the car handling and the rewind thingy breaks all the immersion.
I was hoping to play some This War Of Mine after buying it on eBay. Unfortunately, I got a rather cryptic message indicating it was a gift code and once clicked, informs me that I can only access/install it within Russia/Ukraine etc.

Very annoying.
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