My personal ranking : 1) F.E.A.R. / 2) Perseus Mandate / 3) Extraction Point (the good ones); then 4) F.E.A.R. 2 / 5) F.E.A.R. 3.
yes about right, the worst was FEAR 3, they lost control of the story after the 1st game and it descended into a mess, they adjusted the game mechanics too much as well, it went from a super slick high speed shooter, to a much slower more awkward game.
Out of the blue, I reinstalled Dark Souls, modded it up and started it again. I wish I could wipe my memory so I could experience it again for the first time!
I thought I was breezing through, but forgot how hard the Black Knights are early in the game!
I cashed in my Game Virtual Shares, so decided to grab a few cheapy steam games.
Playing Lords of the Fallen, which so far I think is very good, really like the heft of the weapons.
Other than that, its CS:GO as usual and a bit of Super house of dead ninjas.
Right. Just finished the single player on COD AW.
All I can say is this... If you've not bought it yet then save your money and don't bother. The single player is about 6 hours. And that's not a "fun" 6 hours. It's just "6 hours of yet another linear FPS shooter". With some very stuttery (i've got a 7990 and it just doesn't work with this game!) storylines in between.
Anyone (other than me) that wastes their money on this drivel should be shot!
Wasteland 2, Hearthstone, Some LoL.
It is just a dull game all round. I was very disappointed.I wish Wasteland 2 had clearer quests, I just get stuck to often. Love this type of game and really wanted to get into this but it lacks clarity as to where and what exactly you're supposed to be doing.