What PC games are you playing?

My personal ranking : 1) F.E.A.R. / 2) Perseus Mandate / 3) Extraction Point (the good ones); then 4) F.E.A.R. 2 / 5) F.E.A.R. 3.

yes about right, the worst was FEAR 3, they lost control of the story after the 1st game and it descended into a mess, they adjusted the game mechanics too much as well, it went from a super slick high speed shooter, to a much slower more awkward game.
yes about right, the worst was FEAR 3, they lost control of the story after the 1st game and it descended into a mess, they adjusted the game mechanics too much as well, it went from a super slick high speed shooter, to a much slower more awkward game.

Yeah, I tend to agree with you, Mal. As shooters in their own right, I actually quite enjoyed 2 & 3 (especially 2), but when they changed the visual style and too many other variables, I just think the end result is that they seemed less and less like a F.E.A.R. title. I think the transition is sometimes better handled in films or books, rather than video games.
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Right. Just finished the single player on COD AW.
All I can say is this... If you've not bought it yet then save your money and don't bother. The single player is about 6 hours. And that's not a "fun" 6 hours. It's just "6 hours of yet another linear FPS shooter". With some very stuttery (i've got a 7990 and it just doesn't work with this game!) storylines in between.

Anyone (other than me ;) ) that wastes their money on this drivel should be shot!
Out of the blue, I reinstalled Dark Souls, modded it up and started it again. I wish I could wipe my memory so I could experience it again for the first time!

I thought I was breezing through, but forgot how hard the Black Knights are early in the game!
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Final version of Oblivion Lost. Never played it before; it has the best parallax mapping attempt I've seen in a mod for stalker. Very good.

The modders have at last altered that god awful inventory screen. Much better now. :)
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Recently finished Lords Of The Fallen and loved it. Now on with Alien Isolation which is just dripping with atmosphere, and finishing Thief which is alright in short bursts.

Also chipping away at Mark Of The Ninja and Shovel Knight both of which are just excellent. Oh, and I have also returned to Fallout: New Vegas and I am enjoying much more this time round.
I cashed in my Game Virtual Shares, so decided to grab a few cheapy steam games.

Playing Lords of the Fallen, which so far I think is very good, really like the heft of the weapons.

Other than that, its CS:GO as usual and a bit of Super house of dead ninjas.

How did you manage to beat the second boss? I've spent a fair bit of time on this but it's like banging my head against a wall with the second boss and his bloody shield! I have a Paladin build.

Must admit, this game I could get into if all the bosses aren't the same.
Right. Just finished the single player on COD AW.
All I can say is this... If you've not bought it yet then save your money and don't bother. The single player is about 6 hours. And that's not a "fun" 6 hours. It's just "6 hours of yet another linear FPS shooter". With some very stuttery (i've got a 7990 and it just doesn't work with this game!) storylines in between.

Anyone (other than me ;) ) that wastes their money on this drivel should be shot!

The cutscenes are the best bit of the game, a good performance by Kevin Spacey. I've got a 780GTX and the movies were stuttering but I *think* they fixed this as last time I checked it was fixed.

I doubt I'll even complete this, so pleased I didn't spend twice as much for the PS4 version.

IGN 9.1 - I'm very weary of them now.
Just got around installing Wolfenstein new order.

It has rekindled my joy of playing a decent FPS again. Brilliant game so far, glad i took a punt when it was on sale ages ago :)
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