What PC games are you playing?

Picked up a bunch of games on the latest Steam sale to go with my new Asus G751. Not all are new but some I've always wanted to get around to playing (eg Splinter Cell series), and some for nostalgia purposes (The Rainbow 6 series, Total War: Shogun 2 and Medieval 2 -then added Third Age LOTR mod).

Some newer titles to see what the G751 can do like Shadow of Mordor, Alien Isolation, ARMA 3, Metro 2033 and Last Light Redux.

However before getting into any of these I have a scenario to finish in Command: Modern Naval and Air Operations and have to continue my heavily modded Skyrim adventure (325hours in and haven't got the elder scroll yet. I've been "distracted"!)

Awesome game. I remember getting it for Christmas not long after it was released and being blown away. I spent that whole Christmas completely inseparable from my pc.:D

I enjoyed the single player, so I thought I'd fire it up again after all these years. Shame about the lack of mods for it. I might have to try and get AA to work through RP as it didn't work in CCC. :)

As is per usual when going back to very old games, it seems like the player character skates around when moving - like he's on glass or something slippery. :D
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Need a break from BL2 so just starting on ac black flag. Will they ever march ac 2 for playability?
I fail to see the appeal of the AC games. They are the most frustrating games I have played. The stealth mechanics are horrendous and trying to climb and run in a straight line is a joke. It's like the protagonist is constantly drunk.

Now it could just be me and the whole rubbish at games thing again.
Sleeping dogs, definitive edition. I wanted something to play that was "like" GTA whilst I wait for GTA on the PC. Its fun so far.

Aside from that I am playing F1 2014 and Skyrim with a bit of bf4 chucked in.
RTCW was great, I rather enjoyed the multiplayer. Would quite like to play the new Wolfenstein, supposed to be rather good.

Picked up Crysis 3 and getting in to that, feels more like Crysis 2 than the original. I'll pick up Far Cry 4 again shortly, hopefully after some more bugs are fixed (why does tabbing out stop vsync??)
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