What PC games are you playing?

Played through the prologue of Wolfenstein: New Order last night.

Had a nice time with it. It felt like a fond retrospective nod to the shooters of the late-90s/early-00s - kind of silly and overblown in the way many shooters were then, but fun for it and having no pretensions to take itself seriously. I'm not sure how long this theme will keep me interested in 2014, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the prologue was deliberately retro in this way as an homage to Wolfenstein games past and that the game will open up and develop more complexity as it progresses. If not, well I'll probably still have some fun with it but it might be starting to overstay its welcome if the playtime of 11-12 hours I've been hearing about to complete it is accurate. Fun so far though...
ARMA 3, Battlefield, CSGO.
That's about it right now tbh.

I'll absolutely smash GTA V once it's out though.
Looking forward to tom clancy's Rainbow Six Siege next year.
Dragon Age:Inquisition. Really liking it so far the first hour grabbed me which is a good sign that I will play a game to completion. I just know when the inevitable choice of siding with the mages or the templars comes I will side with the mages, again.
Played through the prologue of Wolfenstein: New Order last night.

Had a nice time with it. It felt like a fond retrospective nod to the shooters of the late-90s/early-00s - kind of silly and overblown in the way many shooters were then, but fun for it and having no pretensions to take itself seriously. I'm not sure how long this theme will keep me interested in 2014, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the prologue was deliberately retro in this way as an homage to Wolfenstein games past and that the game will open up and develop more complexity as it progresses. If not, well I'll probably still have some fun with it but it might be starting to overstay its welcome if the playtime of 11-12 hours I've been hearing about to complete it is accurate. Fun so far though...

There is something enormously satisfying about running into a room full of Nazi bad guys with dual wield :D
There is something enormously satisfying about running into a room full of Nazi bad guys with dual wield :D

Couldn't agree more :D

I'm up to the bit on the bridge where you are trying to capture a Nazi scientist. An ubersoldat and rocket infrantry are causing me trouble :(
After buying Rome 2 over a year ago and then hardly playing it, I decided to give it another go this week. I have to say I'm really starting to enjoy it.

Other than that, Binding of Isaac I'm still trying to finish and also trying to work through my list on unplayed steam games - just installing and having a play for 10 mins.
After buying South Park:TSoT last Wednesday, i'd completed it by Sunday night after putting about 13 hours into it over the weekend just gone.

Found it really really enjoyable, good RPG elements and some proper laugh out moments including but not limited to:

Nazi Zombie Fetus, Khloe Kardashian Nazi Zombie Abortion, Morgan Freeman, Canada in all its 8 bit glory :D

Well worth the money I spent on it (about £8), although not sure if it would have been worth £40.

I bought a few games in the recent steam sale, including Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Portal 2, Oddworld Abe's Oddysee & Exodus and The Walking Dead seasons 1 & 2 (including 400 Days).

On Monday I started Bioshock Infinite which I bought in the Summer Sale but haven't played yet; really liking so far. Looks gorgeous too. Put about 7 hours as it stands. I'm currently:

Just got KO'd by Elizabeth in the airship, woke up and met the leader of the Vox Populi
Chipping away at three at the moment. Far Cry 4 now I seem to have fixed my latest issue (not far from the end now), Dragon Age Inquisition which I am loving so far, and Mafia 2 which has been in my steam library for over a year and I only installed it a couple of nights back. I've really missed out, this game is very enjoyable!!
Downloaded one of my all time fave games, X-COM enemy unknown for steam! Used to play it on a PS1 years ago, but for £2.99, why not!
Downloaded one of my all time fave games, X-COM enemy unknown for steam! Used to play it on a PS1 years ago, but for £2.99, why not!

That's 2 completely different games no? Or do you mean you downloaded the game from the 90's? Wasn't that called UFO enemy unknown or something like that?
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