What PC games are you playing?

Finally got around to the Portal games. Played Portal and Portal 2 back to back since last month and it's all over now. Absolutely amazing games! What will I do now though? No more awesome puzzles to solve :(
Finally got around to the Portal games. Played Portal and Portal 2 back to back since last month and it's all over now. Absolutely amazing games! What will I do now though? No more awesome puzzles to solve :(

Now you can start through the thousands of user-created levels out there. A lot of them are significantly harder than anything in the original Portal/2 story.
Taking a much needed break from my Dragon Age obsession. Still haven't got around to completing it with any of my three or four characters, but I'm in no hurry and want to see if the new patches replace missing content.

Returned to XCOM for the time being. Every mission feels like a rage quit waiting to happen. :D
Replaying a few games atm. Both great.

First up, South Park. Absolutely hilarious and actually a really fun rpg.

Second, Divinity original sin. Another really good game, and a great rpg.

2nd and 3rd in goty for me behind Alien Isolation.
on my laptop - Witcher 1, and Archege ( bored of this now )

on my surface pro 3 - Planescape-Torment

Working my way thru my backlog of games i wanted to play, but never got the chance.

it's taken me ages but finally defeated Mom in Binding of Isaac. Very pleased with myself :)

I think I'll play something else for a bit now....probably old favourite Empire Total War with Darth Mod.
Gears of war.

So yeah I might be a bit late to the game but this still looks/sounds/plays amazingly. Gutted that they haven't got PC releases of the sequels. Has sort of got me tempted to go back and grab the pc ports of all the games from my console days though.
I picked up Battlefield 4 in the Black Friday deals, and haven't touched anything else since. Really enjoying it and I sometimes manage to kill somebody!
Still working through the amazing Dragon Age Inquisition. The work that has gone into this game is just incredible. Also playing Wolfenstein which is so good and genuinely surprised me how slick it is.

Starting a fresh run of Skyrim with as many mods installed as possible. I have never come close to completing this game as it's always started to bore me around the 20 hour mark, but I am currently playing in 3rd person mode with a controller and I am really enjoying it at the moment. Plus with the mods it looks really nice.
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