Hell Let Loose. Never used to really like it but maybe it's because I'm getting old I'm enjoying the slower gameplay and more tactical approach rather than CoD/BF run and gun.
God of War is brilliant. I played it on PS4, and I thought it looked incredible, I imagine it's even better on PC. Some of the big boss battles had some pretty great cut scenes, and the combat in general is really fun. Highly recommend!Finished The Last of Us last night, and not sure what to play next :/
I bought God of War a while ago so might give that a try.
Been having the itch for classic command and Conquer generals again been a few years.
Been having the itch for classic command and Conquer generals again been a few years.
It was on EA Origin or what ever they call it now store under the C&c collection.Where do you even get that these days? It's been ages since I played it.
Two more PlayStation games just nabbed, God of War and Uncharted. There's a sale on at GreenManGaming for PS games.
Both excellent games. The first uncharted? It shows it’s age a lot, but I had sooooo much fun playing the whole series through.