What Restaurant did you eat at last night?

8 Jun 2016
I don't think you can get a steak anywhere else in London for £10 :p Love Flat Iron.

I went to Bukoswki's Grill in Soho last night. We'd seen a film before so it was gone 9pm so we were a bit rushed as my friend needed to get back home out of London. Decent grub and surprisingly cheap. My mate had the chicken burger (boring!) but I tried the fried chicken and waffles which was delicious. Pretty light on the chicken - almost to the point of complaining.. but lovely nonetheless. Slightly soured by a big group of city boys who were incredibly noisy and annoying but hey. I'd want to go back and try more from the menu, all the starters and other dishes sounded great and the burgers looked awesome :cool:
That looks good. Will be in Soho next week so may try it out :)!
18 Oct 2002
The Land of Roundabouts
Not last night but a few worth mentioning this month

Cinnamon Club in London, if you like Indian spices, this place is the place! I was blown away by just how nice the food is, its not Indian in the Tikka Masala sense but more Western food with hints of India. I'll never look at a Naan the same way again.

The other place is The Paris House in Woburn, Michelin star and you can tell, had the 8 course tasting menu, I'm weird and dont eat fish which unfortunately half of the menu was fish but they catered and came up with fantastic alternatives, faultless throughout. Bizarrely the strongest memory was the home made bread rolls and butter, i could have eaten them by the bucket.
8 Jun 2016
Was takent to Club Gascon (1 Michelin star) last Thursday evening. We had the taster menu with accompanying wine flight, which was very good value at £85. A very nice meal.

On Saturday evening we returned to The Pony & Trap pub in Chew Magna, which also has 1 Michelin star. We had a superb meal (smoked eel & chicken wing, pork fillet & belly, sticky ale pudding) with fantastic service. Thoroughly enjoyed it, if only it wasn't so far away.
Josh Eggleton has been on Great Brithish Menu, and he competed against Jude Kereama in the South West heats. It just so happened that Jude was in The Pony & Trap on Saturday night sitting behind us, and had a bit of special treatment from Josh who was serving him with a superb looking tasting menu.

I've been to The Hand & Flowers (2 stars) and The Pony and Trap (1 star), both pubs serving food, and I just can't see the difference in quality and flavour of the food between them. Obviously the judges do.
24 Sep 2015
The other place is The Paris House in Woburn, Michelin star and you can tell, had the 8 course tasting menu, I'm weird and dont eat fish which unfortunately half of the menu was fish but they catered and came up with fantastic alternatives, faultless throughout. Bizarrely the strongest memory was the home made bread rolls and butter, i could have eaten them by the bucket.

I've considered going there as it's our closest place with a star - it's less than 20 miles from us.

We haven't gone as the menu just doesn't appeal. Well, there's bits that really appeal and bits that really don't. I guess I'll keep looking and if the menu looks good to my eyes we'll go.
24 Sep 2015
I've been to The Hand & Flowers (2 stars) and The Pony and Trap (1 star), both pubs serving food, and I just can't see the difference in quality and flavour of the food between them. Obviously the judges do.

Whereas I really do see the difference with The Hand & Flowers. I find very few places come close to the quality of food and depth of flavour as there. Their chicken liver parfait is to die for.

Still, it'd be a very boring world if we all had the same opinion.
24 Sep 2015
On Saturday night we went to Midsummer House in Cambridge.

Short version - stunning.

Longer version....

This was the menu:

In the evening they only offer an 8 course tasting menu. Despite what the website says about allergies and substitutions (I can't find it now but it says that they only option would be the swap a course out with something from the vegetarian menu) I got the impression that they would be as flexible as you'd expect this sort of place to be.

There were 2 wine flights on offer, an international one or a French one. We went for the international one and the wines are as shown in the menu. In addition we had a glass of house champagne on arrival and a glass of sake with the cheese.

The first course was the one I was least looking forward to. I don't really like celeriac but it was delicious. The hollandaise was unusual, it had been flash frozen in liquid nitrogen but it still tasted very strongly of hazlenut hollandaise.

Scallops are one of my favourite things so looking at the menu I was a bit worried that truffle would overpower the delicate flavour but I should not have worried, the truffle was a very mild one. As you'd expect the scallop was perfectly cooked. Nicely seared on the outside and translucent in the middle.

The rack of lamb was my favourite course. Lamb is possibly my favourite meat so to be given a piece of top quality rack that had been cooked to perfection was great.

For cheese we were spoilt for choice. So much to choose from. A very good choice of crackers, fruit breads and chutneys too.

The thing I like about a wine flight as that we get stuff we wouldn't normally order. The stand out wine was the Riesling that we had with the duck liver. It had an unusual smell, almost like warm oil but tasted creamy and delicious. I'm going to see if I can get a couple of bottles to have at home. My partner wasn't too keen on the red with the lamb, it was a bit sharp for her tastes but I found it a good match.

So all in all I can't fault the food in any way.

Service was excellent. Predominantly French staff who all let their personality shine through whilst remaining fairly formal at the same time. One of the staff looked utterly horrified when she spilt some wine on the table cloth.

There were a couple of things that didn't quite fit though. The champagne we had on arrival was served from a trolley that was wheeled around to each table. That itself seemed a bit odd as it only had champagne, other drinks were at the bar so if someone at the table wasn't having champagne it would seem unnecessary to wheel the trolly around. The flooring is hard stone so the trolley makes a bit of a racket as it's wheeled about.

After the coffee they brought around a box of chocolates for us to choose from. The box was a massive wooden thing with an integrated stand and the waitress was obviously struggling to carry it about. A small box would have worked better.

There's just 1 male and 1 female toilet so you could be in for a wait to use the loo.

That said, they're very minor things and we will definitely return.



15 Oct 2007
I went to ETC (near Cardiff) on the weekend for a birthday meal. A "fine-dining " restaurant inspired by Willy Wonka.

The conceptual element added a little bit of fun, but it was a simple case of style over substance. Food looked good, but when you step back you think does a prawn cocktail (an average one at best) warrant be submerged in dry ice, with a stick of rock lolly accompaniment adding little to nothing to the dish.

Look's pretty but no real though in what the conceptual elements brought to the dish. To be honest it annoyed me.


Prawn chocolate cocktail, lemon sea foam, CO2 cinnamon essence


Wild crispy pan Fried salmon with spicy pomegranate winter salsa, 24-carat gold leaf & Saffron pilau rice
16 Nov 2002
The Moon
Went to Manchester Smoke House and Cellar yesterday as part of their 50% off soft-launch weekend.

On the whole it was a great experience. You could tell they had only been open for a day or two so whilst service wasn't amazing it can be forgiven a little bit.

The whole place is nicely decorated with some big industrial looking benches with rustic looking solid wood tops and there was a bit of a buzz and atmosphere when we got there mid afternoon which was good.

We went for the Big Smoke sharing platter with sweet potato fries and a side of the sweetcorn and jalapeno fritters.


Sorry the picture isn't great but you can just about make everything. On the platter there was a half rack of ribs, half a chicken, some pulled pork, some hot links, some brisket and burnt ends.

All of it was cooked brilliantly, the ribs had a wicked char on them but the meat was still tender and juicy underneath. Looks like they skimped on the hot links and burnt ends, there was a meager dollop of pulled pork and then the chicken with some slaw. The pit beans were good and hella' smokey with the usual kidney beans in there and bits of pulled pork and the coleslaw was nice and fresh.

If I was paying full price for the sharing platter (£38) I would be slightly disappointed in the amount of meat you actually got but as we were only paying half price I wasn't. If they had whacked on healthier portions of brisket and burnt ends and pulled pork then it may have been more justifiable but it felt a bit much considering.
26 Apr 2004
I went to the Manchester Smokehouse and Cellar last night and as above was glad of the 50% off offer until the end of august.

Got some nibbles before the meal (popcorn and nuts), both of which were lacking in any real flavour. The popcorn was also only half popped!

The mains (I had the brisket/burnt ends and my partner had ribs) were tasty, but portions were small. The meat really was excellent though, as were the fries!

In fairness, it's still only recently opened, and the food came to something daft like £17 (spent more on drinks!) so can't really complain.
29 Jul 2013
Trying Thackerays in Tunbridge Wells on Sunday for lunch. I wasn't aware that I had a Michelin starred restaurant so close to me until about three weeks ago! Seems very reasonably priced so we shall see...
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