What Restaurant did you eat at last night?

19 Aug 2010
Had Hell's pizza delivered to home last night if that counts :p.

Was very disappointed with it though... and people had told me it was one of the better ones...
26 Mar 2008
West London
Dinner by Heston

Tony Romas at Xscape in Braehead.

North/South divide?

Went to Goodman, Mayfair on Wednesday. Had a few different starters, a couple of USDA grain fed porterhouses, a handful of sides and dessert between four of us. It was great, the steak was perfect, US beef is much leaner but still has plenty of flavour and I thought it was better than Hawksmoor. The chips weren't as good as Hawksmoor but their mac and cheese is great plus they have pepper sauce with a proper pepper kick. Hawksmoor is a bit cooler (Covent Garden vs Mayfair I guess) but Goodman was just a little more polished, bringing a selection of steaks out (uncooked) is a nice touch, it gives you a good idea of sizes and the selection and plenty of time to ask questions. With a couple of bottles of £35 beaujolais, 1.8kg of steak it was ~£65 a head.

Went for drinks at the Coburg Bar at the Connaught before which was good, service was a little hit and miss but the drinks were good and the olives edible. Full of hedge fund guys but it comes with the territory and at a couple of quid less a cocktail than most other similar places I can put up with that.
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10 Dec 2003
South Shields
wondering if any of the north east mob have been to Pan Haggertys on the quayside yet?

by all accounts they dont serve meagre portions and its a mix of modern and traditional
3 Oct 2004
North East
wondering if any of the north east mob have been to Pan Haggertys on the quayside yet?

by all accounts they dont serve meagre portions and its a mix of modern and traditional

Heard some resonable things about it to be fair. If you haven't tried Cafe Buee round the corner though, go there! Run by a lovely French couple. I was so impressed, I even wrote a tripadvisor review, and I never do that! Absolute bargain Cafe Buee is! Upstairs is dead nice (ask to go up if they dont take you up there). The wine is very good value for what it is too.
11 Dec 2002
Pan Haggertys is pretty good hearty fare foodwise, but it lacked much atmosphere when I went, although it was midweek. I think I prefered the ambience of the Grainger Rooms where the chef used to be before it closed, which was a crying shame, although it really was just too hidden away.

Another nearby place which I would recommend is Broad Chare, which is another Terry Laybourne place (cafe 21 and jesmond dene house), probably more of a really great lunch than a posh dinner out experience though. Potted shrimp and the scotch egg are stand outs from the menu that I can remember.

Another one of my favourites recently is The Cherry Tree in Jesmond. Food has been excellent everytime been there, but it has been let down on service, although this has improved on when it first opened. It is generally better midweek than weekends, as I think it is too busy on weekends for the quality of waiting staff they have sadly. They often have live music of a quite reasonable standard too



10 Dec 2003
South Shields
Pan Haggertys is pretty good hearty fare foodwise, but it lacked much atmosphere when I went, although it was midweek. I think I prefered the ambience of the Grainger Rooms where the chef used to be before it closed, which was a crying shame, although it really was just too hidden away.

Another nearby place which I would recommend is Broad Chare, which is another Terry Laybourne place (cafe 21 and jesmond dene house), probably more of a really great lunch than a posh dinner out experience though. Potted shrimp and the scotch egg are stand outs from the menu that I can remember.

Another one of my favourites recently is The Cherry Tree in Jesmond. Food has been excellent everytime been there, but it has been let down on service, although this has improved on when it first opened. It is generally better midweek than weekends, as I think it is too busy on weekends for the quality of waiting staff they have sadly. They often have live music of a quite reasonable standard too

I like the idea of it being good hearty food...I have also heard good things about the broad chare

I am not looking for a posh dinner, just decent quality food at a fair price
19 Apr 2004
Lunch @ Marcus Wareing today - just did the set menu (3 courses for £38 + chocolates & amuse)

Amuse was a breaded pea/potato finger with a fish soup to dunk it in - basically a kind of reverse fish and chips. Really good, although a tad too vinegary for my southern tastes!

Mackerel starter with gooseberry was a bit odd. The skin had not been crisped on the mackerel (I'm guessing to make it look good) and I'm not sure the gooseberry sauce worked with it along with the other bits.

Main course was lemon sole with pea risotto - beautiful. It came with some small blobs of really strong lemon puree which worked really well. Some of my friends opted for a duck dish which was also very nice

Pre-dessert was a pineapple sorbet with coconut jelly & coconut ash - was excellent

Dessert - custard tart with tarragon sorbet, raspberry and soft meringue. The custard tart, as expected was perfect. The problem was I'm not sure the rest of it really worked with it - only one other person in our table of 6 seemed to really enjoy it. I also tried the strawberries with cicely leaves and some kind of cream infused with hay. It didn't reach the heights of the strawberry dessert I had at Roganic last weekend. I think if they had macerated the strawberries - as they did at roganic - it would have been very good indeed.

Lastly - a seemingly endless supply of chocolates which are excellent.

Overall, pretty good. I'm not sure I'll ever get around to doing the full on tasting menu here, but it's the second lunch I've had there and at £38 for 3 courses (£50 with 2 glasses of matched wine) it's pretty good value. However if you're looking for a very good formal 2-3* restaurant I think you'd be a lot better off at the ledbury (and it'd save you some money too!)
16 Oct 2005
My girlfriend and I went to Kai in Mayfair a couple of weeks ago.

Food was excellent and the restaurant certainly deserves it's Michelin star. It's not your average Chinese restaurant, but the menu does have some of the 'take-away classics' with their own twist on them. The service was very quick and professional, as you would expect from a restaurant of this quality.

To start we had aromatic crispy beancurd and the oriental mushroom salad. For mains we had the 'spice route chai' and 'chang sah chai' which were both amazing and with them we had steamed rice and egg noodles.

For dessert, we had a mandarin chocolate fondant and 'sunshine dumplings', both of which were simply superb. Too often you find restaurants that slack a bit on their desserts and put all the focus into the mains, however this wasn't the case with Kai. Never have I had such a superb dessert!

The wine list was extensive and really spoils you for choice with it's great vintages and varieties which shows it has been very carefully put together. It has a very good selection of wines by the glass which makes it much easier selecting a different wine for each course for a small party.

With the starter and main course we had glasses of a 2007 German Riesling (my favourite white and vintage), a glass of sweet French Petit Manseng with dessert and I had a digestif of Remy Martin VSOP.

We paid £150 in total including a 12.5% service charge. It was certainly worth every penny and it's definitely a restaurant we will be returning to. I rate it 10/10, couldn't fault it.

Going back here again on Monday and then off to the Royal Opera House after for the Mariinsky Ballet. Can't Wait! :cool:
19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
Yod Siam in Nottingham.

A pleasant enough restaurant, with decent service. Although the venue, ambience and service aren't really up to the prices they charge there was nothing terrible about them. We didn't have that much time so it was main course + drink only.

I had Traditional Red Duck Curry and Coconut rice. It arrived surprisingly quickly after ordering. The meat was delicious, really perfectly cooked and well flavoured and the mix of vegetables and sauces provided a good mix of flavours and textures - with the inclusion of lychees particularly notable. The rice was sticky and tasty and the quantity of both rice and main dish was about spot on - not so much you felt stuffed after eating it but not so little you felt you wanted more.

It was £13 for both, about the same level as most things on the menu. Which puts it out of the cheap range, but certainly not into the pricey range. I'd go there again - it was good food - but I don't think I'd go out of my way for it.
21 Nov 2010
Newton Aycliffe
The duke of york, firtree. Used to have a bad rep as it had an awful chef, however recently been taken over by somebody else and the food is simple amazing, 2 fillets with onion rings and chips and a bottle of wine, £30.

Really great, only problem is they cook the steak one over what you ask for , e.g. ask for medium get well done. Obviously you just order 1 under normal but not ideal, we did tell the chef.

All other food there is great though, no problems at all.
25 Apr 2011
me and missus had a meal at thorpe park 360 bar & grill, around 25 for both of us, but the quality of food isnt great, burger king was the better choice for less. heads up to anyone whos thinkin of havin a meal there :D
11 Apr 2003
My girlfriend took me to Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons for my 40th last week. We had the Découverte (tasting) menu and as you would expect, the food was sublime. Highlights were the crab in courgette flowers, the citrus dessert with a melt in the mouth lemon meringue, and duck liver pate with cherry.

The service was friendly, understated and very welcoming. No massive flourishes or hovering, but if you needed anything they would be there instantly.

The kitchen gardens are great to explore - hard to resist sampling the amazing veg and herbs.

Without a doubt the best culinary experience I have had.
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