I just picked up one of these, will share some pictures soon.
By all accounts they are pretty rare. It really isn’t a SFF tbh, quite big. Compromised massively by the form factor. But you can still crossfire two cards (single slot though) in it. Has a 450w PSU. Solid caps on the board, X48 chipset.
I have a Q9550 and 8GB DDR2 800 waiting to go in. It’s like new condition, still had the plastic on the front.
By all accounts they are pretty rare. It really isn’t a SFF tbh, quite big. Compromised massively by the form factor. But you can still crossfire two cards (single slot though) in it. Has a 450w PSU. Solid caps on the board, X48 chipset.
I have a Q9550 and 8GB DDR2 800 waiting to go in. It’s like new condition, still had the plastic on the front.
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Shuttle Global || SX48P2 E - Products
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